Mehek update Monday 27th May 2019 – Zee World

Mehek update Monday 27th May 2019 – Zee World



Monday update on Mehek

Ravi says to Shaurya that we dont insult anyone and we dont bear our insult too. Mahek says please uncle. Shaurya says are you done with your lecture? he asks Mahek your friend needed help and i went to help her, but you dont deserve it, you and your friend go to hell now, he turns to leave but looks at Mahek and says one more thing, keep your Ravi uncle away from me, Ravi glares at him with hatred, Shaurya leaves from there. Mahek says to Ravi that i will come later, you go, Mahek runs behind Shaurya. Ravi takes Mohit from there.

Shaurya comes to his house. He comes in room, Mahek comes there. Shaurya says what your chacha lectured me wasnt enough that you came here again? Mahek says let me tend your wound, Shaurya sayd dont do acting of like you care for me, Mahek says dont be stubborn.

Shaurya comes in washroom and brings out first aid kit. Mahek comes there and says let me help you, Shaurya says leave from here, if you want to heal wounds then go to your chacha and heal his wounds, if i didnt respect his age then i would have slapped him, Mahek says talk with respect. Shaurya says i am like this, i dont respect but you didnt leave me, i was giving you payment to leave me but you didnt, its your fault that you are living here, if you think you will make me nice man then its your fault. Shaurya winces in pain. Mahek tries to make him sit, he says dont show off your fake concern.

Mahek shouts that will you remain silent if i slap you? sit down now, Shaurya sits down. Mahek says your head is bleeding but you are acting tough like you won battle. Mahek starts dressing his wound, she blows air on his wound and is concerned seeing his blood, Shaurya silently keep looking at her, Kaun tuhje yun pyar karega plays. Mahek bandages his forehead coming close to him, Shaurya keep staring at her. Mahek says now go and rest on bed, i will bring turmeric milk for you.

She brings Shaurya in room, he doesnt protest. Mahek makes Shaurya lie on bed, she says be careful, she holds his face and lie him down on bed, she covers him with blanket. Mahek opens curtain of room, moonlight coming inside, Mahek looks at Shaurya and leaves. Shaurya sleeps.

Its morning, Shaurya is getting ready to go to office. Mahek comes there and asks where are you going? he says doesnt concern you. Mahek says you are wounded, you have bandage on forehead, Shaurya says you tied it, i have work, i work at hotel, i dont have sarees shop, i work hard to earn. They hear someone calling their names. Shaurya and Mahek comes downstairs and sees Rohit and Ajay with their families and Sheetal is there too.Shaurya looks at Mahek. Police is there too.

Pammi says to Mahek that call your half husband, its time for him to go to jail, Mahek says what is this rubbish? Sheetal says Mahek remain silent, your husband is goon, she says to Shaurya how dare you touch my son in law? Karona asks Shaurya how he got injured? Shaurya says i was cleaning garbage and got hurt. Pammi asks inspector to arrest Shaurya for beating Rohit without any reason. Svetlana says old Delhi’s drama keep going on. Shaurya says so you people have come for me? Shaurya asks inspector how is he? inspector says i am fine, these people have some problem against you.

Ajay says he beat us. Sheetal says he beat my would be son in law like trash. Sameer says what is this drama? i will call commissioner. Shaurya says calm down sameer, lets sit down and talk, Mahek gets tensed hearing it, Shaurya glares at Mahek.

Kanta dresses Mohit’s wounds and says why did you go with Shaurya to beat? Mohit says Shaurya didnt do anything wrong, didnt you people see what he did with Sonal? Ravi says shut up, you dont need to side with Shaurya, he says to Jeevan that i pit Shaurya in his place last night. Balwant says that rich spoilt brat wanted to be hero and this Mohit is following his path, Shaurya would get free out of everything but Mohit you will get trapped. Mohit says that jerk Rohit, i beat him. He says to Jeevan that Sonal and i played since we were kids so should i remain silent if someone beats her? i will beat Rohit again if he tries to touch her again.

Shaurya calls servant and asks him to bring juice for guests. Pammi says we didnt come for juice but to cool this Shaurya’s hot head, Sheetal says she is right. Shaurya says i am ready to go to police station, just give me 10minutes to serve you people as guests. Shaurya whispers something in Mahek’s ear, Mahek nods and leave. Shaurya hints at Sameer, Sameer leaves too. Mahek comes in corner and calls someone(which is muted).

Svetlana says is this house welfare center that all poor are coming here? Karona says to inspector that Shaurya wont beat anyone without reason. Pammi says as if Shaurya is innocent, dont let us say what Shaurya did, his antics are all shown in media, your son is spoilt brat, look at Rohit and Ajay, they are innocent boys. Sonal comes there and says they are not innocent but devils. She says to inspector that Shaurya didnt do anything wrong, this Rohit is my would be husband, he beat me so much because..

Sheetal says how dare you come out of house? respect Rohit, you are going to marry him. Sonal says you couldnt understand my pain evern after being my mother, she asks inspector to arrest Rohit for beating her many times.. Sheetal slaps Sonal hard, Mahek is stunned. Shurti says what the hell? Mahek says Sheetal why you are trying to save this demon Rohit? cant you see pain of your daughter? Pammi says inspector see this Shaurya turned tables, Sheetal knows that her daughter is dramaqueen, she asks Sheetal to talk. Sheetal says yes Sonal is saying all this under pressure of Mahek and Shaurya, dont listen to her, take Shaurya to jail.

Sonal says listen to me, Sheetal says you come home with me then i will see you. They hear women NGO’s women coming there and chanting against Rohit, Shaurya and Mahek smirks. Wpmen enter house. Mahek thanks NGo women for coming, she says you came on right time. She says this is Sonal and this Rohit, her would be husband but he beats her. Woman says he is raising hand on her when she is not even her wife, what will he do after marriage? Woman says to Shaurya that we have come in your support today, atleast smile today, Shaurya gives them smile. Women say lets beat these animals.

Women beat Rohit and slap them. Shaurya calls Sameer, Sameer brings CCTV CD, Shaurya says to inspector that this CCTV footage will show you how Rohit molested Sonal and when she didnt agree, he beat her, Rohit is stunned to see CD. Inspector thanks Shaurya and says i will beat you to bones Rohit, Inspector arrests Rohit and Ajay. Pammi says why arresting my son? he didnt do anything. Inspector says dont talk or else i will arrest you too. Inspector says to Shaurya that i am sorry to bother you, Shaurya says dont worry, its good that they came here themselves to get arrested. Sheetal says to Sonal lets go home, i will teach you lesson.

Sheetal brings Sonal outside her house. Sonal says you are hurting me, leave my hand. Sheetal says try to learn being patient. Pammi says to Sheetal that because of you my son is in jail, i wont spare you and your daughter now. Sheetal says i am sorry, i will set this Sonal right. Pammi says if my son doesnt come out of jail in 2hours then i will make sure that Sonal doesnt get married in this life, i will make your life hell. Sheetal starts beating Sonal and says why you didnt die? Mahek comes there and pulls Sonal away, she hugs Sonal. Sheetal says to Pammi that i promise to free Ajay and Rohit till evening.

Mahek says cant you see pain and wounds of your daughter? how can you do that? Sheetal says this is all happening because of you, you have provoked her, she can get beaten but now she will not get married. Mahek says wow, she is girl so you cant suffocate her, why didnt you kill her when she was born? you want her to get married to that animal just to protect yourself in society? just to get free of daughter’s burden? you have given birth to her, how can you do this with her? we dont want marriage like that where we die daily, she is better unmarried, atleast she will live her life, you heart doesnt burn for her? you have given your Sonal to animal.

Pammi says he is my nephew, how dare you call him animal? Mahek says i am not talking to you so dont interrupt. Mahek says he is doing this before marriage what he will do later? these are families who burn their daughter in laws, they burn them and say sorry our daughter in law got burned and just put her picture on wall and start finding new daughter in law, you know why? its because of mothers likes you. Sharma family hears it too, all clap for Mahek.

Sheetal says these people are clapping now but they are same people who will taunt me if my daughter doesnt get married, they will make die hearing about my unmarried daughter. Sheetal is beating Sonal in her neighborhood, Sharma family is there. Sheetal says to Mahek dont make me open my mouth, my daughter is not like you who is living at someone’s house without marriage. Mahek says i am living at my inlaws house according to my will and moreover i can comeback to my family house any time, you know why? because they support, my family is with me with each step. Kanta smiles proudly at Mahek hearing it.

Sheetal says this family is honorable who give away daughter to anyone and their son is goon but we are not nice people because we want to get our daughters marry? Mohit says stop it or else.. Sheetal says else what will you do? will you beat me too? Kanta says lets go inside. Sheetal says to Kanta that your half son in law didnt do good today, if your Mahek try to disrupt Sonal and Rohit’s marriage then i will forget we are neighbors for 30years, she takes Sonal and leaves.


Sheetal and Sonal comes home. Sheetal calls husband and says find money to bail our son in law out, this girl has put shame on our faces, i want money right now, do anything but arrange money, she ends call. Shetal says to Sonal that when Rohit will come out of jail, you will get married to him in 5days.

Pammi is in police station. Sheetal brings money for bail. Pammi says i dont need money, they are already bailed. Ajay comes there and hugs Pammi. Sheetal asks Rohit if he is fine? Sheetal says who did bail? i sold my property to bail but who did bail? Sanjay comes there and says keep your money, it will be useful in your daughter’s wedding, i am Shaurya’s uncle but i am your well wisher. Pammi thanks him for helping, Sanjay says we are friends now, we are relatives s dont worry. Sanjay hugs Ajay and says friends are friends but enemy of enemy is friend too, Ajay smirks.


Mahek says to Kanta that what has happened to Sheetal? she should poison Sonal instead of marrying her with Rohit, Kanta you try to make her understand that she is doing wrong, how can she do this with Sonal? PD says people like Sheetal just know how to burn houses of others, they just are interested in breaking houses, you dont worry. Kanta says topic is heated now, we should calm down and then think what we can do, she leaves, MAhek looks on.


In police station, Sheetal says to Rohit that come home with me, i will do bandage of your wounds. Rohit jerks her away. Pammi says to Sanjay that we already arranged bail money but you bailed them before us, you have bought us. Sanjay says i have helped you and you will help me, Pammi says i will do anything you want. Sheetal says Rohit is angry. Sanjay says make him marry your daughter and he will be fine. Sanjay says to Pammi that make Mahek get trapped so she wont have time, keep Shaurya and Mahek away from each other, tomorrow is big day for them, make sure to maintain their gap, Ajay says why do we need to do it? Sanjay says Pammi has understood, you fool, Pammi smirks.

In hotel, Shaurya says to his chefs that this is big day, everything should be perfect, top decorations, top food, everything should be excellent, its time to open restaurant now for commoners so buck up and go to work, all leaves. Shaurya asks head chef Karan if you didnt understand what i said? Karan says if you called Mahek here then it will be easy for us and you taste dishes, Shaurya says i dont have time to keep tasting dishes, i have tasted them, they are fine, cant you cook dishes? why you need Mahek all the time? i want everything perfect tonight, go to work, Karan leaves. Karona comes there and hear all that.

Mahek is riding scooty. Karona calls her and says i want to say something, Mahek says i will call you later, she ends call and takes Mohit’s call.
Ajay is pulling Sonal out of house, Sonal says i dont want to go, Sheetal says dont say a word. Mohit calls Mahek and says Sheetal is taking Sonal to some farmhouse, come here fast. Sheetal says to Sonal that dont say a word. Kanta asks Sheetal if she is mad? you have made issue of your daughter, why you are pressurizing her? if she takes wrong step then you will regret it, Sheetal says Sonal is my daughter so dont interrupt me, keep your talk to yourself. She drags Sonal away.

Jeevan says to Kanta that let them do what they want, they dont have brains. Mahek is hearing all that on call. Mahek says to Mohit that follow their car and see which farmhouse they are taking her, dont do any mistake.

Sheetal, Pammi, Ajay brings Sonal to farmhouse. Ajay drags Sonal and brings her in farmhouse. Sonal says please let me go, Ajay says i will get you sister in law once we go inside house, he pulls her to go in house. Mahek, Nehal and Mohit comes outside farmhouse, guard says you cant go inside, Mahek says we will go inside, she pushes him away and goes inside. Sonal sits in Sheetal’s feet and says dont make me marry Rohit, i will die, Sheetal says i dont want your drama and your tears, be silent.

Mahek comes inside and sees Ajay dragging Sonal in house, she says leave Sonal. All are shocked to see her there. Mahek pushes Ajay away, he falls on floor. Sonal hugs Mahek. Ajay tries to slap Sonal but Mohit holds his hand and says did you forget how i beat you last day? dont even dare to raise hand, Sheetal says you are goon of Delhi? i will call police. Pammi asks Mahek if she thinks this is her inlaws house too that she can come here?

Mahek says i dont care about your insults, you want to call police? call them and i will tell them about you people locking Sonal here, Sonal is an adult and can take care of her life, you cant force her to do anything. Pammi asks Ajay to pull Sonal away from Mahek. Mahek says to Ajay that if you dare come close to Sonal then i swear i will break your hand. Pammi asks Sheetal if she will do anything or remain silent? Sonal cries and says to Mahek that please save me, do something but please take me away from here. Mahek says to Sonal that dont worry, i will see to it who stops me from taking you from here.

Mahek starts taking Sonal with her. Sheetal brings kerosene bottle and says Sonal if you leave from here then my deadbody will go from here. All stop from leaving. Mahek and Sonal looks at her, they are shocked to see kerosene. Sonal cries.

Next: Tuesday update on Mehek 👇 👇



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