Lady Luck update Monday 13 January 2020

Lady Luck update Monday 13 January 2020


Lady luck 13 January 2020: Divya’s father tells Prajapati family how he took Bhoomi to US and performed her plastic surgery. Pavitra says he narrated a nice story and she will recommend it to her Bhojpuri producer. Father says Bhoomi used to tell howmuch her family trusts her so much, but she did not know she was trusting wrong people. Ansh shouts whatever he says, he will never accept this girl as Bhoomi and walks towards his room. Agram also leaves with family.

Divya’s father says he does not know how will she prove that she is Bhoomi and if her family will accept her not, but whenever she wants to come back, his door is always open for her. She says she will and he leaves sadly.

Latha shows Bhoomi’s plastic surgery video to Vasundhara and says she thinks this girl is Bhoomi. Vasundhara says we cannot trust father and daughter, else we will be disappointed.

Ash angrily searches alcohol in his cupboard and is about to drink it when Bhoomi stops him and says he cannot drink. he asks who is she to stop him. She says she is his wife and gives her promise. He asks her never try to force her rights on him. She says she will as she is his wife. He asks her to go from there. she says she will sleep on sofa as usual. Ansh reminisces Bhoomi sleeping on sofa.

Varun tells Pavitra that he does not believe that girl is Bhoomi and will never trust her. She says he looks like her husband when he takes her side. He gets gastric trouble and asks her to bring cold milk. She calls servant and goes out. Bhoomi sees servant taking milk and asks where is he taking it. He says Varun is having gastric trouble. Bhoomi takes milk and goes to Varun’s room with milk and elaichi.

Varun asks why did she come here. She says even though he is a doctor, he will get well only with her mom’s remedy. Varun reminisces Bhoomi getting concerned when he gets gastric trouble and Dhara giving him milk and elaichi. Pavitra enters and shouts why did she come here. Bhoomi says it is her brother’s room, but why is she here. Pavitra says she is Varun’s wife and bought him from Surbhi for 5 crores.

Bhoomi asks Varun how can he betray Surbhi. She then goes to Surbhi’s room and drags her to Varun’s room and says Varun only Surbhi is his wife and has right on him. Surbhi yells at her and leaves for party.

Pavitra drags her out of room and asks her dare not to enter her room again and get out of her house. Bhoomi says she should get out of her house instead as this is her house and challenges to kick her out soon. Pavitra thinks she will reveal this girl’s secret in the morning.

In the morning, while family is busy having breakfast, Ansh comes home inebriated. Latha asks him to come and have breakfast. He says he is not hungry. Bhoomi adds food on plates and takes food for Vasundhara. Ansh stops her and says this is their lives and don’t need her interference. Bhoomi says till not he was sad as he thought she is dead, but she is alive and he should stop mourning.

He says she is not Bhoomi and he will never accept her. Bhoomi says she is Bhoomi and it is better for him to accept the truth as soon as possible. There is no need for photo and garland on her pic as she is alive and removes it. He snatches photo and slaps her.

Ansh snatches pre-plastic surgery Bhoomi’s pic from post-plastic surgery Bhoomi and shouts he will never accept her as his Bhoomi and she should not call herself Bhoomi. Bhoomi starts crying. Pavitra says she will prove that she is not Bhoomi in a few minutes.

Rajender, Dhara, and Bijender come and Pavitra says she called them to identify their daughter. Varun greets them. Rajender says he should never come in front of them. Pavitra thinks parents can easily identify their daughter and imposter’s drama is finished.

Dhara asks Bhoomi why did not she meet them after coming back and gives her daadi’s prepared special halwa. Bhoomi smiles and asks if daadi added dry fruits in it. Dhara says yes, since she came back, dadi’s mourning is finished now. Varun says she is not our Bhoomi. Rajender says he has changed so much that he did not identify h is sister and he is surprised that he identified them.

Pavitra starts yelling that they have gone mad that they are calling an imposter their daughter. Varun asks her to behave. Bhoomi warns her dare not to insult her parents. She herself hits her head door and injures her forehead, calls inspector and informs that her nanad is torturing her.

Inspector reaches with constables and arrests Pavitra. Pavitra says Bhoomi is lying and he can ask family members. Inspector says everyone are against bhoomi and he will not accept their evidence and until Bhoomi takes back her complaint, he cannot release her. Constable takes her till door when Bhoomi stops inspector and says she cannot see her nanad behind bars and says Pavitra that she should accept her as her bhabhi now. She thanks inspector for coming and says she got back her family now.

Pavitra in her room yells that she will never accept imposter as Bhoomi. Varun says he does not know how to prove it. Bhoomi hears their conversation standing at door. She reminisces convincing Dhara, Rajender and Bijender that she is their Bhoomi. Rajender says it is difficult to believe, but seeing her determination for her family, they will accept her as Bhoomi. Bhoomi says even dada,daadi, and tauji will accept her bhoomi when they return from pilgrimage. Dhara says she will be very happy if she is proved Bhoomi and will wait for that day.


Bhoomi’s parents tell Bhoomi they will leave now. Bhoomi says she will call bhai/Varun. Rajender says no need as he does not want to disturb him until things settle down. Surbhi enters and asks things are fine now, then what are they talking about, she got what she needed and Varun became rich. Dhara asks if she really got what she needed. Surbhi gets nervous and leaves.

Latha with Suman prepares laddoos for Maan and tells Suman that Maan stayed out of house so many days that she forgot his choice, but she is preparing his favorite laddoos. Pavitra comes there and asks if she prepared laddoos for her. Latha says it is for Maan. Pavitra shouts Maan bevda/drunkard does not need laddoos and her servants cannot waste groceries. Bhoomi comes there and asks Pavitra to let Latha take laddoos.


Pavitra asks to stay out of it. Bhoomi says if she starts her drama, she will inform inspector that she tortured her both mentally and physically and then she will be in jail permanently. Pavitra gets afraid. Bhoomi asks her to prepare laddoos soon and give it back to Latha. Pavitra prepares laddoos angrily while Bhoomi gives Latha and Suman juice to enjoy.

Pavitra goes back to her room and yells at Varun that imposter forced her to work and starts badmouthing about Bhoomi. Varun gets angry hearing about bhoomi and warns her dare not to badmouth about his sister, else he will not spare her. He says Bhoomi and he are blood related and she is just bound by contract and he can break it anytime. He then angrily walks out.

Bhoomi stops him and asks why is he getting angry hearing bad about her. He says she is not his sister and should stay away from him. She signs childhood song. Varun reminisces childhood incident and asks how does she know this song and says he does not know how she learnt it, but she can never become his sister. She starts shedding tears.

Latha takes laddoos for Ansh, but sadly walks back seeing him drinking alcohol. Bhoomi stops her and asks if she fed ladoo to Ansh. She says no as he is busy. Bhoomi takes her back to Ansh’s room and asks Ansh to make a peg for her and Latha. Ansh asks how can Latha drink.

Bhoomi says when he is mourning for his wife’s death, why can’t mom mourn for her son’s death. Ansh gets angry. Bhoomi says he is inebriated 24 hours and does not know how his family is. He hugs Latha, apologizes her and cries vigorously.

Pavitra calls Agram and Inder and asks them to stop hoping on bhoomi as she cannot free them from her clutch and says she gave them shelter to stay and they should thank her instead and help her get rid of new Bhoomi.

Next: Tuesday update lady luck 



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