Jodha Akbar update friday 10 September 2021

Jodha Akbar 10 September 2021: Jalal leaving for battle in furious mood Jodha is heart broken to see him in that state. She was lamenting jalal was revenging the death of his son by killing rajwanshis Jodha bharmal discuss how the battle was inevitable .

Jodha Akbar 9 September 2021

. At battle it did not matter who was dying rajwanshi or Moghul the sword fell equally On both She bapu sa Asks if this battle could be prevented .. He explainsto her that fighting battleswas the duty of rajas and shehenshas Jodha is heart broken

In Harem ruku is in Hameeda’s hojra she is telling hameeda that jodha was wrong when she refused to do tilak for jalal
It was a bad omen Hameeda tries to explain jodha’s situation Both rajwanshis and moghuls were her family

Ruks declares that she would support jalalAt agra palace jodha is sad that which ever king won it would be defeat for her Whether rajwanshis were defeated or moghuls were defeated, Both sides were hers .. it would mean her defeat …she laments She asks bharmal whether at the battle he would be able to kill rajwanshis while fighting in Jalal’s army ….along with moghuls leaves with out replying

In the chittor court maharaj udai singh decided not to fight against moghuls along with chittor Rajwanshi soldiers are given tilak and aarti by their wives Jodha watches them handing over the swords to their husbands .. As they are about to leave for battle field Jodha sends moti to call bapusa to her She tells her bapusa that he had to accept all the jewellery she was giving him This would be needed by the families of the rajwanshi and moghul soldires who dies at the battle

Bharmal informs jodha that he was not leaving for battle field as jalal had asked him to stay back at agra palace in his absence to hold thefort here

Jodha wonders who could carry these wealth and jewellery to the battle field as all others had left … how could she help the moghul and rajwanshi soldiers !!

The moghul army is al ready in battle gear .. Ready to fight the war
Jalal addresses his army
He ruthlessly shouts that there was no place for mercy or kindness
Shehenshah and soldiers had no heart they understood the language of the sword
Only the mighty and the ruthless ones ruled the earth and the kindhearted were killed mercilessly
He orders .. Inspires his army to fight ruthlessly

All raise their swords and shout FATEH ..FATEH … FATEH …
He accuses that he might have been laughing when his innocent babies were being killed today jala would kill all his innocent men and laugh and it was time for the lord to watch him laughing she it was time for the lord to weep just as jalal had wept over his dead babies

Jalal’s force chants for his name, jalal angrily looks at fort of rajvanshies, jalal says before war, I want to give them a message, todar says I will send it through solider, jalal says no I will go myself only, todar says they can kill you, jalal says till today there is no weapon that can harm jalal, nobody will come behind, jalal on his horse goes to fort of rajvanshies. soldiers standing and guarding wall of fort sees a Mughal coming, they says he has to get killed, they take their positions to kill jalal,

soldiers attack jalal with arrows but no arrow hits jalal, one soldier says maybe he is jalal, other soldier says no his ministers wont allow him to come here, jalal shouts where is uday pratap and kunwar pratap, what happened to you, I am here infront of you, why you are not killing me? I am jalaluddin, I am giving you chance, I have no weapon with me, Jalal ask them to attack, he says that you have got the chance to kill me and you are sitting in fort,

you wanna kill me then kill from front not from hiding, one solider says we are rajvanshies and we cant kill like cowards, he has no weapon with him so we cant attack him its against rules, we will kill him in battlefield only, jalal says I gave you chance and you didn’t take it and now I will see you all in battlefield, one solider says that we will crush your dreams, jalal says its my warning to you that I will clean the battlefield and will put my flag on it, I will see till when you hide maharana uday and kunwar pratap, jalal leaves from there.

moti ask jodha to eat food, jodha says see moti sky is changing his colrs, see it is showing color of fire, blood, Jalal is going to kill rajvanshies I had put tilak on jalal’s sword for not his win but it was blood of first rajvanshies, moti says jalal will comeback, jodha says uday and kuwar pratap are very good warriors, I am worried fro jalal, moti says jalal is good warrior too, jodha says this is the problem that they both are good and are thirsty for blood of each other, I don’t know what is going to happen, this sky is red showing color of blood.

Scene 2
the battle starts, its war of archery, both sides are throwing arrows on each other, jalal’s forces throw arrows on fort of rajvanshies, jalal says till when they will not open the gates of fort, keep throwing arrows on them.

in night, todar says to jalal that they will be hungry in fort and will open gates soon, jalal says I have not come here to wait and trust destiny, I have come to kill them all, I will finish them with my power not because of their hunger, I want to kill Uday and kunwar pratap, I don’t want them to open gates but I want break the wall this fort and attack them.


next day, same archery battle is going on, voice over says this war was not of two days, it was big war like big hatred of jalal, many soldiers died in it.
in rajvanshi palace, soldiers discuss that they will attack their soldiers and will win the war.

one rajvanshi soldier kills Mughal soldier, jalal gets angry and hits an arrow, he kills one rajvanshi soldier.
rajvanshi discuss that wall can be broke anytime, the leaders says to soldiers that its time to show your full power to Mughals, you have to win this war and not allow Mughals to come in our palace, we will win mewar from Mughals, place your women and children in safe place. otherside rajvanshi women discuss and says we will not let Mughals attack our mewar, we will not give in to Mughals, we will do jauhur but wont allow Mughals to touch our mewar and ourselves.

Scene 3
the official war begins, solider from both sides run to each other, they attack each other and kill as much as they can. some Mughal soldiers goes to gate of fort and breaks it, Mughals come in fort of rajvanshies, war is in full swing, maan signh, todar, all are fighting with other soldiers, all are killing, jalal comes there on his horse, his sword has blood on it, he gets angry seeing rajvanshies fighting, he starts killing people.
inside fort, all ladies come to well which has fire in it, they pray for mewar. in garden area of fort, fight is going on, jalal sees one rajvanshi fighting nicely, he is their leader.

all ladies jump in well full of fire and kills themselves, doing jauhur, jalal sees it and ignores. jalal kills one leader of them, one solider comes to jalal and says we will give our lives but wont tell you about uday and kunwar pratap, you are not doing war but its cruelty, jalal makes him injured and ask him where is uday and kunwar, soldier says they are not here, we wont tell you, jalal kills him, jalal says to his soldiers that kill all rjavnshi soldiers, nobody should be alive, he listens some child crying, he thinks that god took my child away from me but cant take my power from me, I wont leave this child.

Saturday update jodha Akbar

1 Response

  1. Michael says:

    Is jodha going to be pregnant again please this time let her not give her child again AND jalal please change. GOD knows why your children died jodha stop trusting your maids but you can trust moti and zakira they are good and always believe in God its hurts me to see jalal killing people

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