Jhanak Starlife update Tuesday 14 January 2025

Jhanak Starlife update Tuesday 14 January 2025


Jhanak 14 January 2025: The Episode starts with Jhanak going to meet the boss. She greets them. The lady says this is a big production house, we can’t give you any job right now. Jhanak says please give me any job. The man asks did you work anywhere before. Jhanak says no. The lady says if you want then you can become Guru ji’s assistant, you will be graduate soon, will you feel ashamed to do this work. Jhanak says no, give me one chance. Bipasha says Anirudh won’t go after Jhanak this time, you know Jhanak is so clever.


Shrishti says I know her. Shubh says I just want Anirudh and Arshi’s happiness. Vinayak says we will go and see Arshi. Lal goes with them. Shrishti says I want to see my daughter. Dadi says Arshi’s operation is done, my worry got less. Choton comes and says yes, you are worried for Arshi, but not for Jhanak,

she is all alone, she has no one in this world, I m hurt, many people come and live in this house, we didn’t ask anyone to leave, we have blamed Jhanak and wanted to send her to jail, what could she do, she left, everyone is happy, I m sad, Anjana and Appu are sad, aren’t our feelings valued. Dadu says this happened here, I m also ashamed, I couldn’t explain your mom that Jhanak is nice. The lady says lunch will be from production and 10000rs salary, where will you stay. Jhanak says I have come here today, I will find a house.

The man says you won’t find a house easily. The lady says you can stay at the rehearsals place, your problem will end, you can take care of Guru ji and help participants, can you manage. Jhanak says yes, I will manage, I will come from tomorrow. She smiles.

Dadi says enough, I didn’t call you here to talk all this. Choton says but I have to say what I feel. Dadi says this world is strange, you couldn’t understand. He says yes, but I know good and bad. Anjana says don’t get sad, its good Jhanak left, she can live with respect. Dadi says I have no problem, she wasn’t born in this house, Anirudh got her here, Arshi’s life was getting ruined because of her. They argue. Dadi asks him to come with me to meet Baren. Choton says I don’t want to marry, its better I become a saint, I can’t marry. Anjana says Meenu is nice, just little bit strict. Choton says she is very dangerous. Dadi says she will change this house and you. Choton says I don’t want this. Vinayak, Shubh and Lal come to meet Arshi. Vinayak asks Arshi not to cry, nothing changed, operation is successful. He says you will perform in the show, you are my strong child.

Arshi nods. Dadu says finish your work and come. Choton asks why. Anjana says it’s a good relation. Choton asks how will I take someone’s responsibility. Dadi says Meenu earns well. Dadu says you also earn a little, your good time will come, if my time completes then… don’t take time lightly, I want your happiness, you have a family and kids, be ready at 4. Choton says I won’t marry. Dadu says I have decided it. Anjana says its final. Choton says you convince dad. Dadi says no. They go. Anjana says I have much work. She goes. He says they got after my marriage. Shrishti, Tanuja and Bipasha come and see Arshi. Shrishti asks was the surgery successful. Doctor says yes, I need some days to answer if she can dance well. Shrishti thanks him. She asks did Arshi say anything. He says patient is in shock, she will get normal with time. Tanuja says she came here from mandap. Bipasha says Arshi will get fine. Shrishti cries and says you understand what I m going through. Doctor asks her not to cry and wait outside. The lady asks do you know how to make tea and coffee. Jhanak says yes, I know cooking well, thanks for the favor. The man asks her to submit her documents. The lady says Guru ji has much respect, don’t upset him, talk to him with respect, else we can’t do anything. Jhanak says I promise you, I will give him much respect. She thanks them and goes.


Anirudh asks did you get any info about Jhanak. The man says no, she didn’t come to Srinagar. Bipasha says Arshi’s surgery just happened, look at him, he is worried for Jhanak. She taunts Lal. She asks I everything fine. Anirudh asks what happened. Lal says its so peaceful in the house. Shubh says a big problem has left. Tanuja says Anirudh, we need to talk. Anirudh says not now, my mood is bad. Bipasha says you looked much worried, what’s the matter, we just came from the hospital, Arshi is fine. Shubh asks why are you worried, we are thinking to keep a havan at home. Anirudh says do anything you want. Tanuja asks how are you talking to your dad, why are you misbehaving. Anirudh says you can see I m worried. Shubh asks why, for that girl, she used you as a ladder. Lal says she left by her wish, its not our responsibility now. Bipasha argues. She says you are worried for Jhanak, everyone can see that, they are speaking against you, sorry to say this. Tanuja says yes, we know what people are saying. Anirudh says I don’t care. Lal says you should care. Bipasha says you have changed, you loved Arshi a lot, your focus is on someone else now, they are saying it was a drama, you didn’t want to marry Arshi because you love that maid. Anirudh asks her to stop it. Lal says don’t shout at her. Anirudh says I won’t tolerate if you insult me in front of my family.

Next jhanak Wednesday 



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