jhanak Starlife update Saturday 14 September 2024

jhanak Starlife update Saturday 14 September 2024


Jhanak 14 September 2024: The Episode starts with Anirudh calling Arshi. He messages her… Arshi, I was helpless, please understand, I love you, I will wait for your call. He drinks some water. He says I know you can’t trust me like before, I just had this option, will they send Jhanak, will I just see it. He recalls Jhanak’s words. He says no, I got her here, I can’t be silent, I explained Arshi, I hope she understands, I hope know how my life got tangled. Its morning, Shyam checks the door. Inspector asks for Jhanak. Lal comes and asks the matter. Inspector says call Jhanak. Bipasha says police… Lal says they came for Jhanak. She smiles. Tanuja says call Jhanak, where is she, tell her, some guests came to meet her.

Bipasha goes and knocks Jhanak’s room door. Jhanak wakes up and opens the door. Bipasha says guests have come to meet you, come. Lal says this girl is responsible for everyone. Inspector says you are under arrest. Anirudh and Jhanak get shocked. He asks what’s the charge. Inspector says we have a report filed against her, check the warrant. Anirud checks it. Lal, Tanuja and Bipasha taunt Jhanak.

Anirudh says I m with you, I will fight with you. Jhanak says no, you marry Arshi. Inspector says take her. Tejas comes and says she is my would be wife, she is going with me, she can’t harm anyone now. Anirudh stops them and says its not right. Jhanak says I want to go with him, you won’t say in between, I want a chance to fix my mistake. Tejas says you all come in my wedding, we will meet at my house, good bye, Anirudh, you also come. She goes with Tejas. Anirudh looks on. Tejas pushes Jhanak and shuts the door. He says I don’t want your heart or love, I just want to… She says don’t touch me. He says you are mine, come close to me.

She shouts for help. He shouts there is no one here, who will come, I did marriage for show, I will use you and then take revenge for my insult, I will kill you and no one will know. She says no. She wakes up and screams. Anirudh comes and asks why did you shout, did anyone come to your husband. She says no, go away from here. He asks why were you shouting. She says I saw a bad nightmare, shall I end my life, what do you want, you are forcing me to commit suicide, you have no shame to come here, this is happening because of you. Anirudh says we had no option than to marry, I always tried to save you.

She gets angry and says I m not your responsibility, you got me here, you stopped me here forcibly, if Tejas kidnapped me and married me, why do you care. He says wait, you are changing your words, he would not marry you, he would use and leave you. They argue. She asks is there a proof that you and Tejas are different. He is shocked. Tanuja calls Shrishti and says we are taking Jhanak to ghat to wipe her sindoor, Arshi and you can come and see it. Shrishti says Arshi isn’t interested, Jhanak will apply sindoor again. Tanuja says Anirudh did a mistake, he is innocent, we couldn’t sleep all night, we have to end this chapter, one girl can’t ruin our children’s lives, we have to deal with Jhanak, we have to wipe her sindoor, we will get Tejas and Jhanak married, then we will get Arshi and Anirudh married.


Anirudh asks how dare you say that. Jhanak says you are drawn to me, I m not your wife, people will make news, I will not tolerate the insult. He says I have explained Arshi, she trusts me, she loves me, I also love her, we have no doubt between us. She says you learnt to love, when will you learn to respect. Shrishti says fine, we will come, Arshi will wipe Jhanak’s sindoor. Tanuja says just get Arshi. Shrishti says let me talk to Arshi once. Tanuja says thanks, Ani and Arshi love each other, once Jhanak goes, everything will get fine. She ends call. Jhanak says go away from my room. Anirudh says I won’t let them take you, I got you here, everything is fine between Arshi and me. Jhanak says I m not your responsibility. He says I can’t lose to Tejas, he will take an advantage of you, I saved your life, I have put many things on stake, if you go with him, then I will fight him, I want you to live well, my eyes will be on you, no one can take you anywhere without my permission.

Next: jhanak Sunday



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