I do update Thursday 5 May 2022

I do update Thursday 5 May 2022


I do 5 May 2022: Just to prove Dilshad’s opinion correct, snam and ahil’s ptahs cross, but they dont notice each other. Later, as ahil drives off, he notices a roadblock, and police having jammed the place. ahil is frustrated to know that there has been an accident, and that it would take the night for it to clear up. ahil is frustrated and vows that he would never ever take this place for a business venture. Aahil takes a short turn in a busy street, and when he isnt allowed to get ahead, he gets all the more angry. Aahil takes his car in the back gear, and accidentally squashes over the vegetables of a roadside vendor. Ahil tells the vendor that he shouldnt have kept the vegetables on the road, as they are meant for movement, and shuts him up when he tries to speak, saying that noone talks to him like that.

Sanam confronts him saying that he could have watched his car too while driving, after getting over the shock that he is the same person who she saw shacking up, and then saw him get haya hurt too, and been a little more careful, so that he wouldnt have run such a huge loss. He asks the vendor how much was his loss, and is told that the veggies that got spoilt costed him Rs.500. Ahil throws a Rs.1000 note at him, saying that he can keep Rs.500 and give the rest to this girl, for her courage as thats the first person who has ever dared and stood upto him, and talked to him like that. sanam is shocked. He leaves, while she is stunned. He gets into his car and drives off.

On the highway, he gets his mother’s call, and tries to talk but doesnt get proper network coverage and hence steps out to talk to her. He says that he would take care pf himself, and asures her to take care of herself too. he promises his mother tht he would come by tomorrow. He cancels the call, and gets inside to drive. simran asks if he was talking to his mother, and laments that she cant talk to her mother for that long. he gets furious, and gets out and takes her out of the car, and then drives off, much to her scare. She runs after him.

Scene 5:Location: Sanam’s residence
Dilshad and haya find sanam tensed. They ask why is she so tensed and rude today, with her recipe books who are like her friends. sanam narrates the incident today at the vegetable market, to dilshad and haya. She is highly frustrated. Sanam asks dilshad how can a person be so bad, and keeps ranting about it. Dilshad asks her to have sympathy for such callous people. Sanam says that she would get angry. Dilshad asks how does she know this and form such a huge opinion about him. Sanam says that she just knows and hates him to the core. Dilshad says that maybe he is rude and arrogant, but thats just one aspect of his character and maybe he isnt a bad person after all, and has nice traits too, and asks sanam not to be prejudiced and baised against him, giving her the example of contrasting features of a coconut from the insidce and the outside.

sanam gets to thinking about it, but then dioscards it off, saying that man isnt a coconut but a stone, thats hard inside and out. dilshad and haya are tensed for her. the screen freezes on her and ahil’s face.

Dilshad opens the door to find anwar’s mother and greets her inside. Dilshad calls Sanam. she comes and shyly greets her. Anwar’s mother compliments sanam on her beauty and that she didnt even expect her to be here, and wanted to talk to dilshad. sanam leaves for making tea, but she stops her that she knows that sanam has to go to the dhaba, and she isnt the kind of mother in laws’ who dont let their Bahus work. sanam complies. She asks sanam to wear the blue dress that Anwar likes. sanam complies and leaves. She compliments haya for her embroidery too, and tells dilshad that she has raised both the girls beautifully.

Dilshad says that when she came she had nothing, and opened this dhaba somehow, she was always sick, but as it is said, when children grow old, they support the parents, sanam was always her support since 12, 13 years, and took care of the dhaba, and she always thinks that had this Dhaba not been there, and Sanam didnt effot hard, they wouldnt have survived. Anwar’s mother ensures that sanam’s happy days are here nowWhile haya is embroidering, dilshad comes and compliments haya, for her craft and is very happy that she idd it all herself for Sanam. she asks haya to get all the Dupattas, and she complies and goes inside.

As she comes outside, she finds Dilshad unconscious and gets very tensed and scared. she splashes water and gets her conscious somehow. She goes to call sanam, but dilshad stops her, saying that just some days are left for the marriage, and sanam would refuse if she gets to know this. haya is tensed. Dilshad says that she knwos that it happened twice in the qweek, and maybe she’s tired and exhausted with the arrangements. She asks Haya to promise that she wont tell anything to sanam, as they dont want a problem with sanam’s marriage. Haya complies. She hugs Dilshad.

Scene 2:Location: In the Car
Aahil tells rehaan that everything is very slow, and that things are taking on forever, for finalising, and that its going to take one month. rehaaan tries to compose him, but aahil says that he doesnt like anything to eat here, even though he is a big time foodie, throwing a typical city boy tantrum, in the villages of punjab. rehaan says that Begum wouldnt want him to travel in the night, and stops him from coming straightaway. ahil asks who would tell mom. rehaan says that he has been ordered by his mother to take care of his every move. Ahil reprimands him teasingly, and then cancels the call. He feels thirsty and wonders where to get water from.

Scene 3:Location: Sanam Da dhaba
While sanam is cribbing about the lack of pudina, anwar comes in with lots of frills, to decorate the dhaba for the wedding. sanam gets shy and says that they should have done it themselves. Anwar says that its the same thing. He asks her to get back to work, as its her peak business time. he begins to decorate while she gazes at him romantically. The customers compliment on the decoration, while anwar asks if she’s happy, and she says that she’s very happy, as th is means everything to her. He leaves, asking her to continue work.

Just then, ahil’s order for a bottle of mineral water, surprises sanam and gets her angry as she remembers her past encounters with him., he reclines on the sofa, while she stands stunned. She goes to give her water in the glass, when he says that the glass is dirty and get another one. she is angry but complies. When she keeps the glass, Ahil asks her to give proper service and give water in the glass. She resignedly complies. He doesnt drink from the glass still, and drinks from the bottle. sanam asks if he would have anything else. He asks if there’s anything edible. she asks him to gaze at the menu. he asks her to get the best dish, so that he can see if its deservant of him to eat.

She gets food, and he disgustingly stares at it and asks whats it. she tells that its chole Bhature, but he reprimands it saying that its too oily, and he doesnt eat it like this, when she says that they are made like this. he casually trhrows off the bhature and she is about to get back at him, when the servant stops her. She asks him to get lost from her dhaba, and he asks what if. He begins to tease her, with an innuendo. Sanam warns ahil, saying that he should behave and get out of her dhaba, or else. Ahil takes the challenge and takes her hand asks her what ahead of her warning….referring to her as Ms. Dhaabe Waali. Sanam slaps him tight on his face.

he leaves off her hand with a jerk, and brings her closer to him, scaring her. He says that he would give a suitable answer of her slap on his face, by giving her his answer on the lips. as he begins to get closer to her, and draws her closer too, she gets terribly scared and disgusted, while ahil shamelessly brings his lips closer to his. just then, the servant hits ahil in the leg with a lathi, and he falls on the ground. She taunts him not to even think of trying it, addressing him as a beggar. he turns around in fury, and leaves, while she watches still tensed.

In the night, as sanam closes off her Dhaba, she is oblivious that Ahil is spraying petrol all around it, with sheer defiance and any botheration that she might see. when she does, she is shocked, to find him, with a matchstick, that he sets afire in front of her eyes, and burns down the entire dhaba. She is shocked beyond belief, as she sees her Dhaba, her life being burned right in front of her. She tries to get to the dhaba, but he drags her away, and pins her on his car, and gets closer to her, taunting her that he can do anything to her right now. she is scared and closes her eyes, as he sets his mouth too close to her, and then insults her saying that he doesnt take whats beneath him.

He gets up again while she regains her composure shocked. He eyes the Dhaba with venomous rage, while she stands stunned. He throws at her a pile of money, asking her to buy another dhaba for herself. She isnt able to digest it. She burns his car afire in a similar fashion, and he turns around shocked and then to add insult to disgust, she throws the pile of money that he threw at her, asking him to buy another car. She also gives him the Rs. 500, saying similarly that this is for his gusto, as noone has talked and behaved such with her too ever. She leaves in a fury, while he stands shocked. He is surprised at her ego, and says that he likes it, and that he would love to break it one day.

Ahil, says that if she has to pray, she should pray, that she doesnt have to face him ever again. The screen freezes on his face.

Scene 1:Location: On the road
Ahil is walking on the road, trying to hitchhike but in vain. he starts getting irritated, as his battery of the phone dies too. He spews venom against the girl behind this, Sanam. He eyes a truck and decides to stoop down to this only. He stands in the middle of the road, trying to stop it. finally, it stops and he tauntingly tells that he wants to be left in the city where everything isnt so slow. the driver decides to give him a ride. Ahil is visibly uncomfortable with the seat, while the driver continues to rant philosophical, getting him frustrated all the m,ore. as the driver brings up the topic of ahil’s car, he gets into a rage with remembrance of Sanam burning his car.

He is disgusted and asks the driver to shut up. After some time, the truck stops due to a jam. the driver gets hungry and assk for a snack from a child vendor. But he refuses to give it. the child continues to rant, but he drives off. Ahil gets into a rage, and asks him to stop the car. the driver refuses, but he stubbornly stops the car applying the brakes himself. finally, the truck collides into a tree, and the driver is concerned for his truck. He asks ahil to come out and asks what has he done. Ahil says that it was his truck, and not anymore. He asks for the driver’s phone. resignedly he gives it. he calls up his accountant and asks him to transfer 10 lakhs in the driver’s account and gets the driver to also see the confirmation mesaage, seeing which the driver is shocked, and ahil taunts him about his so called love for his car, emphasising that nothing is more important that the money.


Ahil leaves. He goes to the child vendor, and asks him how much does the entire stuff cost, and then paying it, also allows him to keep his grams to sell. the child is happy and leaves from there, while ahil is happy.The next morning, ahil meets rehaan, who assk about his car. rehaan is shocked but asks what would they do of the truck. Ahil finds some villagers, and approaches them saying that they shouldnt park their truck midway and then tells them that he is offering them the truck. he leaves, while the walking peasants are shocked. rehaan watches amusingly.

Scene 2:Location: Sanam’s residence
In her room, sanam remembers her fond memries with her dhaba and gets emotional, and then gets into a rage, thinking about ahil’s rowdy behaviour. haya finds her like this and is tearful herself. anwar is very angry at the person who did this, while dilshad who is distraught, is composed by Anwar’s mother. dilshad comes and hugs sanam, who’s turned to stone with anger at ahil. dilshad says that whoever burned this dhaba, must have been so heartless. sanam is distraught. dilshad tells them that this dhaba wasnt just a money earner but it was her life, and goes onto recount sanam’s affection. dilshad says that she was wrong in telling sanam not to prejudge people.

dilshad says that the person who broke sanam’s heart would have to pay for it. Anwar’s mother says that they can postpone the date to two months rather than two days. haya and dilshad are tensed. dilshad is shocked but says that she knows that there has been a great wound, but the sooner it changes to pleasure, they would be able to recoil easily. She pleads them not to postpone the date. anwar agrees to comply to dilshad’s wish. sanam is speechless as she stands in a corner. They are about to leave, when sanam asks if she can talk to anwar in private. Sanam takes anwar aside, and she tells him that she wants some help from him, in securing a loan.

Anwar says that they shall talk later. Sanam says that it would be too late. Sanam says that her dream and effort may have burned, but she hasnt lost hope and she would rebuilt it, and she has the responsibilities of this house and the family, and pleads him to help. Anwar is silent, while she is tensed.Later, in the night, Sanam is checking accounts and calculating the money, while dilshad gets frustrated with Sanam’s obsession. Sanam says that her last savings got the furniture last time and that nothing is left now. she starts crying. dilshad asks her not to cry and says that they may have stumbled but they wont fall.

sanam says that she wont let that happen, but says that she’s wondering how that would happen. dilshad says that everything would be okay after her marriage with Anwar, and places a face pack on her face and asks her to keep smiling. Dilshad says that she thinks that now she can see her laugh but how would that happen after marriage and that she would remember her badly, every memory attached to her and this house. She gets emotional, causing sanam to cry too.the next morning, all are celebrating in sanam’s residence, as mrriage festivities start.

Anwar’s mother presents a beautiful necklace to Sanam, saying that she has given everything to her, as all thats hers belongs to sanam now and the vice versa. Dilshad blesses sanam. the servant too dances and says that Sanam’s hands are now basking in the glory of her husband’s name. the ladies ask her to show it. She identifies and shows an A standing for Anwar, but then she is disgustingly reminded, of Ahil Raza Abraham’s name too starting with the same alphabet. Dilshad says that sanam’s hands are smeared by the name of the person, who is the love of her life, Anwar. sanam gets shy.

The next morning, Anwar says that they have talked to the bank, for the loan but they would have to keep something in lieu of getting that loan, as a guarantee. sanam, haya and dilshad are shocked. sanam says that they can give the Dhaba land. anwar says that they can keep the land but if there’s anything else too to get the requisite loan. Anwar says that something would come up, and leaves to get the papers. dilshad thanks him profusely for his help, while he says that its not too much to bother. dilshad thanks the lord to get such a husband like Anwar for sanam, and she doesnt feel that she is losing a daughter, but rather she is gaining a son. the screen freezes on sanam’s shy face.

Next: I do Friday update



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