Force of Attraction update Wednesday 3 July 2024

Force of attraction 3 July 2024: Shakti tells Manorama that Ranjan did touch her inapproperiately. Manorama says enough.. if Ranjan doesn’t marry Rimjhim then no one will. They hear dhol playing and go out to see. Shiv enters the event with a dhol and starts dancing. All are confused. Shiv tries to pull Shakti but Manorama stops him.

Shiv asks Manorama to dance and whispers to be happy otherwise people will find out I beat up Ranjan badly. He pulls Shakti and whispers to dance. Manorama asks her to dance. They both dance with Shiv. Ranjan is confused seeing all that. Shiv whispers to Manorama that I didn’t go because Shakti feels unsafe with Ranjan and I have to protect her. Manorama says I am her mother and I always protected her, I will do it now also. Shiv says I know a mother can protect her daughter the best but you are protecting her like a chachi today that’s why you are failing in protecting her. That’s why Lord sent me. Manorama shouts at him to get lost, she pushes him and he falls in Ragunath’s arms as they enter the house. All are shocked seeing them. Mandira and Keertan come there too. Ranjan is scared that Ragunath might recognize him. Nandu asks Shiv if he is okay? Dadi asks Manorama what’s going on? Manorama greets her, Dadi asks why did you push Shiv away? Mandira smirks and thinks we came on the right time. Shiv asks Manorama to tell why did she is push him? tell them the truth. He says I will tell the truth.. Manorama wasn’t throwing me out of the house, she was sending me home, she was asking me to eat but I didn’t so she was sending me home so I could eat there, she loves me a lot. Dadi smiles and says she cares for Shiv like she part of our family. Shiv says you are right.. we are a family now. I will eat something now. Chacha greets them and thanks them for coming. Ragunath says we thought to be a part of Rimjhim’s functions. They all go inside. Ragunath stops Shakti and she greets him. Dadi blesses her. Padma whispers to Mandira that your plan keeps flopping. She is angry and looks at Ranjan hiding. She hints to come to a room.

Mandira slaps Ranjan and says I told you to separate Shiv and Shakti but what did you do? you could have called me and told me to not come here.. you got beaten up rightly. Ranjan says you want me beaten? Ranjan’s brother says we did as you said.. Ranjan got beaten up badly but we didn’t say anything. We created a big scene, Manorama and Shiv had a fight, he was leaving but then he came back for some reason. Mandira says Shakti’s power brought him back.

All family members start haldi ceremony. Ragunath tells Ranjan’s father that Rimjhim is like our daughter so make sure she is happy with you. Ranjan’s mother says she is like our daughter too. Manorama sees Rimjhim sadly looking at Keertan. Dharam smiles seeing Koyal. Rimjhim greets Dadi, Dadi asks why isn’t she happy? Rimjhim says I am just tired. Dadi says you are a bride so be chirpy. Shakti goes to bring refreshments, Shiv goes behind her. Dadi tells Ragunath that he is following her around like a fool.

Shiv comes to Shakti, she asks what are you doing here? He says I have to protect you like a body guard so I will be around. Shakti says what? Shiv says you don’t feel safe around Ranjan so its my duty to protect you. Shakti calls Dharam and asks him to take refreshments, he takes it. Shakti asks Shiv to come with her.

Mandira is talking with Ranjan in Shakti’s room. Shakti and Shiv are going there. Mandira hears someone coming and gets scared.

Shakti tells Shiv to come to her room to talk. She takes him from there. Mandira is in Shakti’s room with Ranjan. She says you couldn’t even separate Shiv and Shakti, you both are useless. They hear someone coming and Mandira panics. Shakti is about to go in the room but Manorama comes there and asks what are you both doing? Shiv says I am talking to Shakti, she tells him to stop this drama, she tells Shakti that she is doing wrong. Shiv stands in front of her and says silence is worst than what she is doing.. sometimes we have to do small mistakes to stop a big sin. You will thank me later. Manorama says should I thank you for destroying our reputation or destroying Rimjhim’s life? Shiv says we will save her life. Chacha calls Manorama so she leaves. Shakti

asks Shiv why he keeps fighting with her? come inside. They both come in the room but no one is there. She locks the door and asks why is he doing this? Shiv says because you don’t feel safe around Ranjan. Shakti says my protection is not your duty.. Shiv says it is.. your dreams and protection are my duties. Shakti says why? Shiv says you didn’t accept my friendship but you are part of my clan.. I had special people in my life like Dadi but you are now special to me and I take care of my special people. Shakti smiles at him. He says no one can stop me being around you.. I will fight with your Chachi and fight Ranjan too. Shakti says you said everything but lets do what you have been trying to do.. she asks if he will become her friend? Shiv smiles and shakes her hand. He hugs her and they both smile. Shakti thinks is this friendship or something else? she hugs him tightly and recalls their moments together. She recalls Manorama’s words that their status is way low than Shiv so she shouldn’t get her heart broken. Shakti says this relationship will be just friendship.

Shiv asks what she means? Shakti says it means we don’t have to make it special, friendship is itself special, this relationship doesn’t need any other destination. He says you are right and our first hurdle is stopping Rimjhim’s wedding and exposing Ranjan. Shakti says how will we do that? Shiv says if we are together then we will figure out anything, they both leave. Mandira, Ranjan and his brother come out of the cupboard. Ranjan’s brother says we have to do something big against them. Mandira threatens them to not spoil anything else for her, she will not let them break Rimjhim and Ranjan’s wedding. Dadi comes there and asks Mandira why is she talking to Ranjan? Mandira says I was just telling them if they need anything then let her know. Dadi says yes, Rimjhim is like our daughter. She says lets go home.

Mandira comes to the lounge and sees Shiv-Shakti smiling at each other. Ranjan says they keep staring at each other. Chacha thanks Ragunath for coming. Dadi says we should leave now. She asks Shiv to come.. he is talking with guests and says give me sometime. Rimjhim stands besides Keertan. Ranjan sees Shakti and goes behind her. Shakti panics seeing him but Shiv stands inbetween them and glares at Ranjan. He smiles at Shakti and asks what he wants? Ranjan says I want to talk to Shakti, I want to apologize to her. Shiv says just stay away from her otherwise you have seen the trailer of what I can do with you. Dadi asks Shiv to come.. Shiv says sure.. he asks Ranjan to leave as haldi is done. Ranjan says he can leave first, Shiv says you should go as its bettter for you. Ragunath asks what’s going on? Shiv says they are guests so we should wait till they leave.

Shiv asks Ranjan to leave as the haldi is done, Ranjan says you should leave first, you must have to go to the hospital. Shiv says yes but if you need any treatment then come to me. Dadi asks when is the mehndi? Manorama says tomorrow 5 PM, I invite you all to come. Dadi says sure. Shiv asks Ranjan to leave as he seems beaten a little. Ranjan glares at him, he thinks I won’t spare Shiv, he is fuming in anger and leaves with his family. Ragunath says we should leave now.

Shiv is leaving the house and tells Shakti that I will find out about Ranjan. She says thank you. He says no sorry and thank you between us as you are my special friend now. She smiles at him. Keertan sees them talking and is angry. Dadi asks Shiv to come. He says bye and goes to Dadi. Shakti smiles and says I still take him as more than a friend.. I wish I could have asked for more but he even snatched my right of saying sorry and thank you. She stares at him and recalls their moments together. Mandira sees her staring at him and then Rimjhim staring at Keertan. She thinks at least I can use my son. Mandira goes to Rimjhim and says I want to bless you. Shakti looks on. Rimjhim touches her feet, Mandira says congrats, everyone is happy today except my son.. Keertan is wiping his tears. Mandira says he didn’t want to come but I brought him here.. like he loved someone and couldn’t marry her. She says we should leave now. She takes Keertan from there. Chacha asks Shakti to bring sweets for them. She gives it to Mandira. Mandira whispers to her that this marriage will destroy your family. Shakti says I am not scared of your threats.. I promise to not let you hurt my family and my friend Shiv.. you can try anything you want. Shiv comes out of the car and asks what’s going on? He says I forgot my phone. Shakti says I will help you, they both go inside. Manorama sees Rimjhim sadly looking at Keertan.

Shakti and Shiv are looking for his phone. Shiv is hiding his phone in his hands only. Shakti says how can you forget your phone? I think your memory is weak.. Shiv gets triggered and recalls the incident. Shakti says are you hiding something from me? I feel like you have a bad memory. Shiv starts shaking. Manorama hides and sees all that. Shakti sees phone in his hands and asks if his brain stopped working? Shiv says this is a serious matter, you shouldn’t talk about brain and memory like this. Shakti says you can’t remember where you met Ranjan before that’s why I joked, I am sorry. Shiv says don’t say sorry, I told you not do it. Shakti says I hurt you so I had to apologize. Shiv thinks if she finds the truth about me then she wouldn’t even look at my face. Shakti asks him to not worry if he can’t remember Ranjan. Shiv says don’t worry.. I will remember soon. Manorama comes there and says your family is waiting for you. Shakti asks him to leave, he says don’t wait for me.. I will come before time. He hugs Manorama and leaves. Shakti laughs.

Manorama brings Shakti to the room and says you are being shameless. I told you to stay away from him but you are sticking with him. Shakti says what did I do wrong? he just takes me as a friend.

Mandira calls someone and orders something, she says I want to kill someone. Shiv comes there and asks who? Mandira is shocked.

Next: force of attraction Thursday 


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