Force of attraction update Thursday 4 July 2024

Force of attraction 4 July 2024: Mandira calls someone and says I want this as I know it can kill. Shiv comes there and asks who she wants to kill? Mandira says she is going to kill me.. its Koyal and she wants some lights for social media content, she asks her man to provide them tonight only. She ends the call and smirks. She thinks tomorrow’s mehndi will take lights away from Shiv’s life.

Manorama asks Shakti why was she clinging to Shiv even after all that? how can she be so shameless? Shakti says what’s shameless in being his friend? he just takes me as his friend only. Manorama says your friendship and Shiv isn’t normal. Shakti says you are right, he isn’t normal. Who in this world does this much for another person? he has saved me so many times. He saved me from Ranjan.

He is always protecting me. Manorama asks her to stop it.. you have to end your friendship with Shiv. I don’t want him in the mehndi ceremony tomorrow, I know he only listens to you so tell him that he won’t come here tomorrow. Promise me that you will tell Shiv to never enter this house again and you won’t see his face again, you will tell him that you want to end your friendship with him. Shakti is shocked and recalls becoming Shiv’s friend. Manorama tells her to end this relationship.

Shiv tells Nandu that Shakti accepted my friendship and she trusts me so much but I am not sure. She thinks I know Ranjan from before because he keeps hiding from me. Nandu says maybe you don’t know him. Shiv says no.. I keep forgetting things these days, I forget even my work at the hospital. My mind is becoming weak. Nandu says how come? I think you should visit a doctor.

Mandira says once I get this item then I will end Shiv and Shakti’s friendship. She is waiting and says tomorrow will end Shiv.

Manorama asks Shakti to promise her but she says no.. I am sorry but I can’t promise you because I can’t leave the person who has always protected my honor. Manorama says why can’t you understand? what if Ranjan gets angry seeing him tomorrow? if Ranjan breaks off this marriage then everything will be destroyed. Shakti says then let him do it, I think Ranjan isn’t good for any girl. Manorama says I have already chosen him as my son in law, its about my daughter’s life and I want good for her. Shakti asks her to calm down and says please listen to me.. Rimjhim is my sister too, would I ever want to hurt her? would I ever let anyone harm her? Manorama says no. Shakti says please give me a chance to expose Ranjan.

Manorama says why you want to destroy Rimjhim’s life? Shakti says I want to save her life.. if you are right then you can boost about your victory but if I am right then it means Rimjhim’s life is at stake. Shiv wants to help me in exposing Ranjan and we only have 2 days before the marriage. I don’t have much time so I can take any risk, its about my sister and your daughter so think please.

Shiv tells Nandu that we have to expose Ranjan and we don’t have much time. Nandu says I think you should focus on yourself and should see a doctor. Shiv says no.. I have to help Shakti first. She trusts me so much. Nandu says we can talk to Mandira about your condition. Shiv says not at all, if they find out that I am not well then they won’t let me go anywhere. I have to protect Shakti and stops this marriage so promise me you won’t tell anyone. Nandu twists his fingers and says I promise. Shiv thanks him, Nandu leaves. Shiv says where should I start about Ranjan? He searches up Ranjan on social media.

Ranjan is drinking and is angry recalling Shiv protecting Shakti. He tells his brother that Shiv keeps protecting her. His brother says Shiv wasn’t trying to remember you till now but now he knows that you are not good for Rimjhim so he might start finding about your past. Can he find something? Ranjan says yes, there is one way. He opens his account and deletes his workplace.

Shiv is searching on the internet about Ranjan’s workplaces. Dadi comes there and asks him to sleep, he says sure, she leaves. Shiv checks his profile but there is no workplace there. Shiv says I have to find a proof that Ranjan isn’t a good person.

Mandira is waiting for her man. Dadi comes there and asks what is waiting for? She says I ordered Shiv’s medicines so I am waiting for those. She asks Dadi to go and sleep. She leaves.

Dadi comes to Ragunath and says seems like no one is sleeping tonight. He smiles and says I was thinking about Shiv and Shakti.. Shakti is a nice girl and would be good for Shiv, I just hope Shiv realizes soon that he loves Shakti too.

Manorama tells Shakti fine.. I am giving you a last chance, if you and Shiv bring a proof against Ranjan then I will stop this marriage myself. This is the first time I am praying that you lose. Shakti says I will try my best to prove you wrong, to prove that Ranjan isn’t a good man.

Padma comes to Ragunath and Dadi.. She says a lot of people were praising Shakti in haldi ceremony. I think we should ask for her proposal for Shiv before she gets another proposal. Dadi says since when you started worrying about Shiv and Shakti? you started their scandal. Padma says I did a mistake but now I know Shiv and Shakti are made for you each other, that’s why I am saying we should hurry before Shakti gets married in another house. Once Shakti is in this house then everything will be fine otherwise nothing will change. She starts leaving and thinks I pray that Shakti comes here as Mandira’s enemy. Koyal comes there and glares at her.

The man brings a package for Mandira and says its very dangerous. Mandira says that’s why I ordered it.

Koyal comes to Mandira with Padma and says she changed sides, I heard her saying to Dadi that Shiv should get married to Shakti soon. Mandira says what? you are paying like this even after all the favors I did for you? Padma laughs and says what favors? Mandira says dont’ forget that you are in this house because of me only. Padma says wrong. I am in this house because of Shiv and Shakti only.. you put the blame of everything on me and when I agreed then you didn’t do anything to save me, you let me get slapped by Dadi, get insulted by everyone but you didn’t take a stand for me so why should I stand with you now? I have come to senses and I will do what’s right for Shiv and Shakti is right for him. I did everything you asked me till now but I will make sure that Shiv marries Shakti now. Mandira says you think I will be silent? Padma says if you try to stop me then I will expose you, don’t try to stop me. Don’t you remember what the priest said? she leaves from there. Mandira is angry and says Shiv can never marry Shakti, I will take care of this Padma. Tomorrow’s haldi ceremony will finish everything.

Shakti calls Shiv and says Ranjan has no info on his social media, how will we expose him? Shiv says do you trust me? Shakti says who else can I trust other than Shiv? he smiles and says then go to sleep and don’t worry. He ends the call. Shakti smiles and recalls their moments together. She turns around to see Rimjhim standing there. Rimjhim says you love Dr. Shiv right? Shakti looks away and says no no.. Rimjhim smiles and says if you do love him then accept it.. not everyone has a guy like Shiv in their fate. Shakti hugs her and feels bad for her. Rimjhim says one-sided love hurts so much so I would never want that for you. I was a fool for Keertan but he isn’t my fate but Dr. Shiv.. I can see love in his eyes for you like you have feelings for him. Shakti says its not like that. Rimjhim says I am your elder so listen to me. Just confess your love to him and I am sure he will say yes. Shakti recalls Shiv getting angry when Mohan asked if he loves Shakti. Shakti says no.. he won’t say yes. Rimjhim shows her a shooting star and asks her to pray. Rimjhim prays for Shiv and Shakti to become united. Shakti prays that I hope I can expose Ranjan and stop this marriage.

Scene 2Nandu comes to Mandira and says Shiv asked me to promise to not tell anyone but I think he is losing memory. Mandira says I think he is not taking his medicines on time so you have to give his medicines from now on. She gives him the swapped medicines and he says I will make sure he takes them on time, he leaves. Keertan and Koyal come there. Keertan says how will you stop from Shiv and Shakti coming closer? Mandira says I gave some medicines to Nandu and it will make Shiv do a drama tomorrow, Shakti will leave him seeing his state and then everyone will blame Nandu for giving those medicines to him. That way I will punish Padma too. Keertan says your plans have failed so many times so what if this doesn’t work too? Mandira looks at a package and says I have another plan so don’t worry. Tomorrow’s mehndi will finish Shiv and Nandu will be responsible for that.

In the morning, the mehndi ceremony starts. Manorama is choosing a mehndi design. Shiv comes there with his family. Manorama welcomes them. Chacha asks why didn’t Dadi come? Ragunath says she went to see a friend and will come later on. Mandira is holding a gift and says this is a special gift for Rimjhim. Mandira thinks this gift for Shiv only. She sees Shakti coming there and says this gift will break Shiv and Shakti apart. She looks around and thinks where is Nandu? They all sit and Dharam serves them juice. Koyal glares at him and he is scared of her. She takes the juice and smirks. He runs away. She says I like people who are scared of me. She calls him back and asks why does he run away seeing her? don’t you like me? Dharam says no no.. I like.. Koyal smirks and says I shouldn’t wait in line to get mehndi done so get a place for me. He says but.. she glares at him and says I don’t like hearing no so go and do it. He says sure and runs away.

Shiv tells Manorama that I didn’t come alone otherwise you wouldn’t smile at me. Manorama is about to hit him but Shakti comes there and stands in front of her. She says you are here? He says yes, I promised you. Manorama asks him to shut up. Chacha calls her so she leaves. Shakti holds Shiv’s hand and says come with me. Ragunath smiles seeing them together.

Manorama selects the design that Shiv chose for her. Shiv comes there and says I told you this was the best design. Manorama is about to hit him but Shakti drags him away.

Mandira is looking around for Nandu. Padma keeps an eye on her.

Shakti asks Shiv why does he keep bothering Manorama? Shiv says she is Mogambo but I am not going to be silent. Shakti says our focus should be on Ranjan, did you remember anything? He says no. Shakti says how will we stop the marriage now? what if he ends up marrying Rimjhim? Shiv says that won’t happen, we are together so we are going to expose Ranjan tonight only. Mandira hides and hears all that.


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