Force of attraction update Friday 28 June 2024

Force of attraction 28 June 2024Shiv is talking with Shakti. Ranjan sees her and thinks to hold her hand. Shiv asks Shakti why can’t she be his friend? she doesn’t answer so he says fine, I am miffed with you too, he turns to leave and mistakenly pushes Ranjan away, he falls down and gets hurt. Manorama and others rushe to him. Ranjan’s hand is sprained so Shiv asks if he is okay? Ranjan is scared that he might recognize him. He says I am okay.

Shiv says I am sorry, I turned around and bumped into you. Ranjan says its okay, Manorama says let him apologize. Shiv says I am sorry, Ranjan tries to hide from Shiv, Shakti notices that.

Keertan calls Mandira and she asks if he found out who Rimjhim loves? Keertan says no and cries. She asks what happened? Keertan says Shiv is romancing with

Shakti openly, he got the position and now Shakti too, I couldn’t get her. Mandira says you are crying over that cheap girl? Keertan says I love her.. I know she is cheap but I keep falling in love with her. Mandira says I will take revenge for making you cry, how dare she, I promise to destroy her but I need your help. He says I will do anything you ask me. Mandira says then find out who is Rimjhim’s boyfriend. He says sure and ends the call.

Rimjhim thinks to go and talk to Keertan as he was crying. She goes out of the mandir and searches for him. She is about to approach him but Manorama comes there and drags her away. She says what are you doing? Rimjhim cries and says I just wanted to talk. Manorama says don’t you remember his insults? you did a mistake but I won’t let you do it again, just get married to Ranjan, she takes her from there.

Shiv apologizes to Shakti for pushing Ranjan. Shakti gives him hi-five and says you did what I wanted to but couldn’t do it. Shiv is confused. Shakti says sorry, I am taking my hi-five back. Shiv says are you crazy? you keep changing your statements but I remember everything between us. Shakti says we can’t be friends. Shiv smiles at her and says look in my eyes, see my heart and tell me you don’t want to be my friend? Shakti looks in his eyes and says I want to be your friend.. not because.. She sees Ranjan hiding from him. Shiv asks why? Shakti says because you hurt my future brother in law Ranjan, you should apologize to him. Shiv says he was running away from me. Shakti says but still you should apologize. She takes him to Ranjan, he is scared that Shiv might recognize him. Shiv looks at him and says I feel like I saw you somewhere before, Ranjan says you might be confused and tries to leave. He runs away. Shakti tells Shiv that he is not what he seems like. Shiv says I feel like I saw him before. Ranjan tells his brother that Shiv beat him up when he found that Ranjan molested a girl in his office. His brother says if you leave then Shakti will doubt more so lets just do the pooja and then leave.

The pooja starts, Shakti brings Rimjhim there and Ranjan stands beside her. Keertan comes there too. Shakti prays to Mata Rani to show her the right path like Gauri did, she has to find the reality about Ranjan so please help me. Shiv tells Nandu that he has seen this Ranjan somewhere but he doesn’t know where. He sees Shakti getting dizzy and thinks what’s wrong with her?

Shakti prays in the mandir and says please show me the right path and let me find the truth about Ranjan. She starts getting dizzy and Shiv notices that. Rimjhim recalls about Keertan’s words that he liked her. She looks around for him and is about to trip but Manorama and Ranjan hold her. Shakti asks if she is okay? Manorama says everything is okay, she asks Rimjhim to be careful, Shakti says its okay. Ranjan’s mother says she could have dropped the pooja plate. Manorama says but she didn’t so its good. The pooja starts, Shiv tells Nandu that I tried everything but Shakti isn’t listening, now God has to show me a hint otherwise I will just accept her rejrection and leave. He starts leaving sadly but Shakti’s dupatta catches fire, she doesn’t notice it. Shiv turns and sees it, he screams her name and says her dupatta is on fire. Shakti sees that and panics. She tries to take it off but can’t. Shiv runs to her and throws away her dupatta. Shakti is holding pooja plate and it falls in Mata’s feet while Shiv tries to hold it too.

They both look at each other while holding the pooja plate. Chacha is surprised. Keertan comes there and sees them close. Chacha asks Shakti if she is okay? he thanks Shiv for saving her life. Shakti says thank you. Shiv says I don’t need that, I want your friendship. Shakti says are you a kid? can’t you understand that I don’t want your friendship.. why do you keep pressurizing me? I don’t want to reject you but you don’t get the hint. If you wanted friendship in return of saving me then you should have just let me die. Shiv shouts to stop it, don’t say that again, if you have a problem with me then fine don’t talk to me, I will not show my face to you anymore but if your relationship was real then Mata would bless it, I won’t come near you again. He tells everyone to not taunt Shakti, she is a very nice girl so don’t you dare. He leaves from there while Shakti is hurt. Bubbly says their drama doesn’t stop, if it happens again then I will break the marriage. Manorama says it won’t happen again. Chacha says lets resume the pooja. Keertan angrily leaves. Rimjhim thinks she needs to talk to Keertan.

Keertan is leaving mandir while crying but Rimjhim comes there and says why are you crying now? you are late. Keertan says a girl made me learn how to romance but now she is romancing with another guy. Rimjhim says it was your mistake, did you forget how you behaved? if you love then how can you hurt like that? Keertan says shut up, do you even know what love is? Rimjhim says yes because I loved too.. Keertan says with whom? Rimjhim says with a loser like you. Keertan says how dare you call me a loser? you are a cheap girl and calling me loser? I don’t even look at girls like you who are down market.. look at who you are talking with. Shakti comes there and slaps him hard.

Rimjhim is shocked. Shakti says how dare you talk with my sister like this? you are down market as you don’t even know how to talk to girls. Keertan says how dare you slap me? Shakti slaps him again and says be careful what you say.. I can do anything for people I love. Keertan says I saw that.. he recalls her saving Shiv many times. He says I know you well now. Shakti says good, get lost now. All guests are looking on. Shakti says look at these people, they won’t spare you. A man asks if he is harrassing them? Keertan thinks he will take revenge soon, he angrily leaves. Shakti thanks everyone and they leave. Rimjhim is crying so Shakti hugs her. Ranjan hides and sees all that. Shakti tells Rimjhim to not cry for this Keertan, he doesn’t deserve your love, she takes her from here. Ranjan says Rimjhim loves Keertan who is Mandira’s son? He calls Mandira and says I got to know who is Rimjhim’s lover.. you won’t like it but its your son Keertan only. Mandira is shocked and says what? are you out of your mind? Ranjan says I heard it and why would I lie? Mandira says but Keertan and Shakti.. I mean Keertan hates cheap girls like Shakti and Rimjhim. Ranjan says but I saw them together and love is blind so it can happen with anyone.. like I can’t stop loving Shakti even if she keeps insulting me. Mandira thinks I don’t know why boys keep falling for Shakti. Ranjan says one more thing.. Shakti slapped your son in front of everyone twice. Mandira says he didn’t do anything? Ranjan says he couldn’t as the crowd gathered in favor or Shakti, your son is smart. Mandira ends the call and is fuming in anger.. she says how dare Shakti attack my weakness? she keeps getting strikes in my book, I will not spare her.

Manorama comes to Shakti and Rimjhim.. she asks what’s going on with you both and Kashyap boys? Shakti says don’t worry.. I have taught a lesson to Keertan, he is so shameless and I don’t like him one bit for Rimjhim. Manorama says I agree. Shakti says I also feel Ranjan isn’t right for Rimjhim, he was hiding from Shiv. Manorama says stop it.. the world doesn’t revolve around your Shiv.. everyone saw you and Shiv together.

Shakti says he just saved me. Manorama says you need to control your heart. Shakti says what? Manorama says I can see everything and I know that Shiv fell in love with you too. Shakti says that’s not possible, he just wants to be my friend. Manorama says that point has passed and that fool doesn’t know that he loves you now. Didn’t you see how worried he gets seeing you in trouble? that can’t be just platonic. Shakti recalls how Shiv keeps protecting her. Manorama says the way he looks at you and smiles at you is different from others.. Shakti looks on.

Next: force of attraction Saturday 


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