For Love and Justice june teasers 2020: The confrontation between Diablo and Liliana results in Genaro getting shot. Lucia tries to save Daniel, but Diablo appears and tries to stop her.
<< For Love and Justice May teasers 2020
Monday 1 June 2020
Liliana goes to the school to take Roxana as part of her revenge against Lucia. When Lucia and Daniel arrive later, they find out what has happened.
Tuesday 2 June 2020
Liliana hires Soraya to infiltrate Daniel Ponce’s house through his nephew Octavio. Daniel and Memin are taken as hostages by Liliana.
Wednesday 3 June 2020
Liliana takes Daniel to a different hideout, but a struggle breaks out and shots are fired. When she returns to the warehouse, the police are close.
Thursday 4 June 2020
Diablo and Genaro are looking for Liliana in every hideout they can think of. She calls them and says that she has Daniel Ponce.
Friday 5 June 2020
Genaro follows Liliana and realises where the person he is looking for is hiding. The investigation continues with Diablo.
Saturday 6 June 2020
Fernanda must stop the kids before they discover where Liliana is hiding. Lucia is also curious, but then Liliana threatens her with a gun.
Sunday 7 June 2020
El Diablo and his men attack a police control post and flee to Austin, Texas. Liliana is finally defeated, but Fernanda is in a bad way.
Monday 8 June 2020
It is Marisela and Rodriguez’s wedding day. Diablo sets a trap for Daniel. Lucia goes to the place where Daniel is being held prisoner.
Tuesday 9 June 2020
The confrontation between Diablo and Liliana results in Genaro getting shot. Lucia tries to save Daniel, but Diablo appears and tries to stop her.
In for love and Justice Daniel doesn’t act professionally, he keeps endangering the lives of his officers. He is an idiot who thinks he knows all ,Diablo is more inteligent, coordinated and professional . Pablo is more intelligent and professional and result oriented . Lucia is equally a fool by going after Diablo without the assistance of police. If Mexican police force are this stupid, Mexicans should not entrust their lives into their hands and they shouldn’t encourage their children to join Mexican police. This film is meant for low intelligence audience.