Faltu Starlife update Sunday 10 march 2024

Faltu Starlife update Sunday 10 march 2024


Faltu 10 march 2024: The Episode starts with Ayaan asking Faltu what is she talking about. She says sorry, I had gone to give the food to Tanu. He says I love you, you are very nice and take care of enemies too.

She says sorry to disturb your sleep. He says I was waiting for you, I had to tell you that you have to go for state trials, we will start practice tomorrow morning. She thinks I have to go and meet Ruhaan. He says that day Shanaya came between us, shall we complete that incomplete work now. He kisses her. Dheere Dheere se….plays… They get close.

Its morning, Faltu gets ready. She sees Ayaan’s pic and thinks of him. She gets Ruhaan’s call. She says I m coming. He says come soon, we will discuss the entire plan today, I don’t want my sister’s happiness to wait. She sees Tanu and asks what are you doing here. Tanu asks where are you going, I can help you. Faltu says stay away from my matters, I can never forgive you, go and apologize to dad and Dadi. She goes. Shanaya comes to Ruhaan and asks him why is he happy. He says I won’t give you a good news.

She says no, please tell me. He says Faltu is coming here, aren’t you happy. She says I had another plan, I wanted to go and meet her family. He says I called her for a reason, we have to discuss something imp. Manager says Faltu has come. Ruhaan says call her here, no one should come here. He asks Shanaya to keep patience. She sees Faltu and hugs. She asks how are your dad and Dadi. Faltu says they are fine, you both helped us.

Shanaya asks Ruhaan what did he want to say. Ruhaan says Faltu decided to help you, you have to promise that this will just be between us, I have given your name for the state trials, you will practice in the academy. Shanaya gets happy and says he is the best. He says very soon, your pic will come in the newspaper. She says it can’t come, my wrist isn’t fine. He hugs her and says I can do anything for it. She asks how is this possible. Faltu says I will play by your name. Shanaya asks how can this happen. Ruhaan says she will play by your name, I have planned everything. She says no, I can’t do this, I can’t ru in Faltu’s career. Faltu says you are my friend, I want to help you, I will play by your name for a few days, then you will get fine. Shanaya says I don’t want to ruin your career. Ruhaan says I will help Faltu in her career once your hand gets fine, trust me. She asks really. Faltu says you are my best friend, I will help you. Shanaya thanks her and says my dream will get fulfilled. Faltu says you both have helped me a lot, I m also practicing cricket while playing for you. Shanaya smiles seeing the cricket gear.


Ruhaan says you both will stay in the same room, Faltu will play as Shanaya in the final match, no one will know, Geeta will make sure that Shanaya gets selected. Shanaya says okay, I will try the tshirt. He says you don’t have to tell this to anyone, else I have to bear the consequences. She says I won’t do anything. She hugs him. Faltu cries. He says you have to play the game until Shanaya changes her mind, it won’t happen for some years, go home and tell Ayaan about your enrolment in cricket academy, lie to him if needed, you have to leave in 2 days, make memories till then, this plan’s truth shouldn’t come out. She cries.

Next: faltu Monday 



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