Dream girl 9 February 2022: The Episode starts with Amrita bumping into Laxmi and making fish tank fall. The fishes fall down. Ayesha sees the fishes and cries. Laxmi apologizes and tells everything. Ayesha says its my message to give work to new people and cries. She acts dizzy and Karan takes her. Amrita scolds Laxmi and asks her not to touch the fishes now. Laxmi cries. Meera comes home angrily. Nandini says I called you and you did not answer, what about admission. Meera says it did not happen, I stood in line and you are questioning you.
She says I know you love Mithi more, I hate everyone. She gets chocolates to eat and asks Nandini to be away. Ayesha comes and sees her. She smiles and messages her that really sorry, I could not come today, don’t get upset. Meera asks Dhruv to get lost as he ditched her. Ayesha writes don’t be mad, I took my mum to hospital in emergency. Ayesha says she can use Meera as she is upset now. She writes that she is his stepmum, but more than mum, she does everything shopping cooking for me, people think stepmum is bad, but sometimes she loves more than my real mum.
Ayesha comes calling out Meera and Mithi, and shows her hand hurt. Meera asks Nandini to help her and offers help to Ayesha. Ayesha smiles. Nandini says what magic is she doing on my daughter. Samar tells Laxmi that she finally came, Bua ji is sleeping and asks her to cook. She asks do I look a cook, can’t you see I m hurt, I can also get angry, when I told you to cook, can’t you, this is your home too, how will you leave alone. He says sorry and leaves.Her dad calls her and says he misses her a lot. She cries and says me too. He asks her to come home soon.
She says she will come and cries. Samar gives her water. She says sorry. He asks how did she get hurt. She asks did he have anything. He says a lot. She says I told you recipe. He says if I learn on phone, your importance will get short. She asks how did he get hurt. He says while cooking. She says sorry. He says its okay. She asks does he like Aloo puri. He says yes, but I don’t know to cook, I can just eat. She says I know to cook and he helps her.He likes it a lot and says it has magic, as he also helped her. She says she wants double magic with Samar Sareen. He says your fate.
Its morning, Manav comes back home. Nandini says welcome home. He meets Meera. She asks what did he get for her. He says many things. She gets Dhruv’s message that he is at home taking care of his stepmum. Manav asks about Ayesha. Nandini says she is in his room, and she made Mithi ready for school, Ayesha is sleeping.Meera says she is ill, she does all the work daily, what if you do the work once, and scolds Nandini. Manav says calm down, I m so happy seeing you care for Ayesha. He goes to meet Ayesha. Ayesha applies cream to her hands and it falls. She sits to pick it. Manav comes to the room and asks her what happened.
She says nothing and wears her plaster. She says she is fine and hugs him. She says she run to see him and fell. He says you love me a lot, you did not tell me about your hand fracture. She says she was making a gift for Meera, like a collage so that she appreciates her life.She says all albums were on top shelf and I slipped. He asks her to take care of herself, he will not send her to office. She says we have imp meeting today. He asks how will she manage. She says like always. He smiles and leaves. She says now I have to see Laxmi. She gives holiday to Pooja and says Laxmi will handle Japanese delegates, enjoy our day.
Samar talks to the samosa maker and the man asks him to go Navrang studio. Samar is stunned and says he can’t refuse. He thinks this is his real test, that he does sale in this studio and no one identifies her, he will take support of acting. He says he will go.Karan tells Ayesha that Laxmi is not capable for handling this work. Laxmi thinks she will show how capable she is. Ayesha tells her that Pooja is unwell and she could not come, there is much work for meeting. Laxmi says she will manage. Karan taunts her and says Japanese delegates are freaky in nature. Ayesha says one mistake is enough for smart people. Laxmi says thanks, I won’t do any mistake now.
Ayesha asks her to place a statue, its very expensive and meeting is very imp. Laxmi says she will not break her trust. Ayesha says you have one hour, they preponed the meeting. Laxmi thanks her for trusting her again, and leaves. Ayesha smiles and tells Karan that this will be her worst experience. Karan says how will she manage the main thing. They laugh on her that Laxmi will go Jodhpur back.Karan leaving rats in cabin and saying now it will be fun. Laxmi arranges the cold drink glasses. Samar comes there dressed as Sardar ji and brings samosas to sell there. He changes his voice and talks to peon, saying he came to sell samosas and deliver in cafeteria.
Samar says he knows, as his owner told him everything. Laxmi takes the drinks and leaves, and Samar does not see her. She walks past him and Samar bumps into Karan. Karan looks at him. Samar asks what is he seeing like this. Karan says I m seeing, oh hero are you blind, wear specs. Samar laughs and says sorry, I m samosa man, going in cafeteria.Karan says why don’t Manav make servant passage, dirt came in his sight, and asks him to go. Samar says I did not know Karan’s attitude towards poor, I thought he is cool, but he is fool. Laxmi shouts seeing the rats in cabin. Karan comes and asks what happened, from where did the rats come. She says I don’t know.
He says do something, use some rat poison, make sure rats are not here. He calls her a problem and unlucky girl. He scolds her and leaves.She asks the rats to go, else she will fall in problem. She says I will show them Jodhpur magic to this rats. Samar thinks of Manav sees him, it will be problem. Hasmukh asks him to take samosas back as no one eats samosas here, and Samar worries as he wants the contract from them. Laxmi tries to catch the rats. Samar tells Hasmukh that samosas are nice and if he can’t sell here, then he will lose his job. Hasmukh asks him to go. Laxmi thinks what to do. She uses cheese and panics as the statue falls. Samar sees his staff’s true face and thinks how they treat poor people, he will not be able to sell samosas.
Laxm hides the broken statue from Karan and sends him. She goes to canteen and takes the samosas. Samar sees the samosas gone and gets glad. Laxmi asks the rats to have the desi spicy samosas. Hasmukh asks Samar to get more samosas thinking the staff took the samosas. The rats eat samosas and she asks them to come out by putting the food to bring them out.Ayesha and Karan look on and thinks how did she make rats run and the statue is still broken. She smiles. Ayesha welcomes the Japanese delegates. Laxmi gets the idea seeing the makeup room. Ayesha asks where is Laxmi.
They see the statue fine and does not guess its Laxmi. The clients like the statue. Laxmi thinks how to stand without blinking. They start the presentation and Amrita gives it. Ayesha sees a rat and turns to see the statue feet moving. She is shocked seeing its Laxmi.
Next: Dream girl Thursday update