Curse of the sands 31 May 2021: Heavy air tries to blow off havan fire. Siya confronts Devi maa that if havan fire is blow off, she will burn herself and light havan fire, it is a question of her husband’s life. On the other side,
Mohini asks Ram will he go with her forever and submit his 5th senses to her with a promise that he will be only hers and will not turn back hearing someone. Ram says yes and walks towards Mohini. Siya continues Ram caannot go away from her and will defeat even death when she calls him. Pandita asks Siya to put pooja items in havan and she does. Mohini insists Ram again to submit his 5th sense to her and walks to her. Siya continues confronting Devi maa to open temple door and prove she is there. Mohini continues insisting Ram to walk to her and merge with her.
Siya walks near door and pleads Devi maa to open door and give her darshan. Doro opens. Ram is about to cross illusion barrier to reach Mohini when he remembers marrying Siya, his love for her, time spent with Siya and stops. Mohini continues insisting Ram to come to her. Siya requests Devi maa that she opened temple door, not she wants both her mother and husband’s support. Mohini continues insisting Ram to come to her. Siya pleadss Devi maa that she wants back her husband. Illusion barrier clears around Ram and protective barrier of trishul emerges. Mohini feels burn and shouts in pain. Ram disappears. Mohini cries Ranasaa cannot leave her.
Siya continues pleading Devi maa. Everyone are shocked to see unconscious Ram on temple’s door. Dayimaa, Dadimaa, and Siya rush to Ram and plead him to wake up. Siya shouts Devi maa betrayed her, she asked alive Ram and not dead Ram, she needs her Ram back and will not enter temple or light lamp until then. She chants Jai mata di.. Temple flag falls down, and Ram wakes up and holds it. Dayimaa shouts Kunwar Ranisaa. Siya enters temple holding Ram’s hand and pray Devimaa. Ram kneels in front of Siya and apologizes. Siya stops him and asks what is he doing. He says he is touching her feet dust and says he troubled her a lot these days and he is really sorry for that. He takes Devi maa’s oath and promises that he loves only Siya.
Mohini cries that Rana saa is getting selfish and if he returns to sautan/Siya, desert woman Mohini will mingle in desert.
Ram apologizes Siya and says he loves only her. Mohini thinks what about her love, she is waiting for him since 500 years. Siya asks Ram why he was divorcing her then. Ram confesses that he was afraid that he will kill her as he was getting bad dream and used to get illusion of killing her, his psychiatrist said he is suffering from homicidal tendency, so he wanted to stay away from Siya. Siya says he is killing her by sending her away from him. Ram says now they will live together.
Dadimaa sees Dayimaa outside temple and says let us go into temple. Dayimaa nervously says she is fine here and will take Matarani’s blessings from here itself, prays Devimaa to protect her children. Ram applies sindhoor on Siya’s forehead and fixes mangalsutra in her neck.
He takes her hand in his hand and says he troubled her a lot, so he will make a few promises in return. He takes pheras around Devimaa’s idol and says he will never hide anything from her, will protect her always, will fight for their love, they both will fight for their love. Siya says she will bear death before him. Ram says they both will face death together, live and die together.
Mohini returns to haveli. Dayimaa asks where was she, she looks as if she fought a battle. Mohini says she went to pray god to reunite Kunwar saa and Kunwar Rani saa. Dayimaa says she did right and gives her lamp to keep it in Devimaa’s temple. Mohini holds lamp tensely with shivering hands. Dayimaa insists her to go and keep lamp in temple. Dadimaaa joins Dayimaa.
Dayimaa says she is sure Mohini is chudail as whenever problems occurred, Mohini was present there, she was not present during today’s havan. Mohini walks towards temple slowly and steps on stairs afraid, but nothing happens to her. Dayimaa and Dadimaa are shocked to see that. Siya sees her and asks to get into temple.
Mohini thinks Ranasaa is standing as if he does not know truth. Siya holds Mohini’s hand and gets her into temple. Mohini thinks she will burn and drops lamp in fear. Siya holds lamp. Mohini thinks Devi punished her far way, but spared her even when she came near her. She says she dropped lamp by mistake. Siya asks Mohini to pack her and Ram’s bags as Ram is fine and they will return to temple. Ram gets intimate, Siya says they are in temple. He lifts her and walks away saying he did not see her peacefully in some days.
Mohini laughs on Devimaa that she is more powerful than Devimaa now and Devimaa cannot harm her at all. She says it is a good news and needs to be celebrated, calls ghagra paltan team and asks not to be afraid of Devimaa, she cannot harm them. Mohini feels burning pain and thinks if she not chudail now.
Ram takes Siya to room and gets initimate with her. Mohini watches hiding and gets jealous. She walks to her room fuming and sees her hair turning white and she turning old. She thinks it is time to go to desert evil, else she will lose her Ranasaa forever.
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