Can you see me 15 March 2022: Aarav leaning on his mom’s lap emotionally says he does not want to lose Suchi. Mom says Suchi should not know Pihu’s murder secret at any cost. At home, Phiu feels alone home and speaks to Gopal.
Anandita returns home and hears Subodh talking to someone and telling it is good inspector was murdered, else he was a trouble. Subodh turns and gets tensed seeing her. She asks who killed inspector, why did he tell it is good he was murdered. Subodh says he told if he was murdered and he does not know who murdered him. He takes her to commissioner who says inspector wrote in his diary that Pihu died in an accident and not murdered, his senior wanted promotion at that time, so they changed Pihu’s death as murder. Unnecessarily they stretched Subdoh and Aarav’s fight. Anandita asks to showinspector’s diary, if they did not write it on it yet. She says she will catcher daughter murderer at any cost, they are easily trying to close this case. She throws water on file nad leaves.
Suchi walks in dark and Pihu shouts bhooth seeing her shadow. Suchi says it is her and she should get afraid of Pihu instead. Pihu with Guglule and Suman went to her parent’s house, now they both are alone and once she goes to work, she will be alone at home, she is afraid of being alone. Suchi says she will take her to office tomorrow. Pihu happily hugs her.
Next day, Suchi takes Pihu to office. Pihu writes apology on board on Suchi’s behalf and writes Gulgule’s name. Aarav walks in shouting who wrote it and seeing Gulgule’s name calls Suchi and asks if she brought her brother to office. She says no, but then says yes when Pihu requests. Aarav shows message on board and says even kids want them to unite. Suchi says she will erase it. Aarav gives her eraser. Naina….song….plays in the background. She wipes board and table and leaves.
Next: can you see me Wednesday update