Broken bond 29 March 2023: Samaira looks at Kuldeep and Shubhra. She says you left me there for her birthday? I swear, I will give her such a big surprise she will remember forever. Happy birthday Mrs. Ex Chadha. You will always be an Ex. Samaira comes to her room. She is angry. Samaira says how can you do this Kuldeep? Are you mine or hers? You still gave her so much love on her birthday? Despite knowing that she’s your ex-wife? She imagines Shubhra saying the second woman is always second. Kuldeep comes back to the room. He falls asleep. Samairapretends to be sleeping. Kuldeep falls asleep. Samaira says you ruined my sleep and now sleeping so peacefully. You will stay up all night after this. Your sleep, your life will be in my control after this.
Scene 2
Roli does painting on Shubhra’s hands. Madhura and Narain come in and ish her happy birthday. They give her a gift. Shubhra hugs them. Madhura says all your dreams will come true and all bad things will go away from you. Narain says new dreams, new success, new business. Madhura has also become the aai she when she gave birth to you. That beautiful. Madhura gets teary. The kids hug them. Rishi says where is the gift? Narain says here it is. Rishi says what about the party? Narain says tonight at the poolside. Shubhra says we can do the dinner. The kids say no party party party. Narain says can’t say not to the kids.
Rishi tells Harsh about the party. He says it’s Shubhra’s birthday? She didn’t even tell. Rishi says you are her friend, how did you not know? Harsh says I forget my own birthday as well. Shubhra reminds me. Don’t tell your aai I forgot her birthday. Rishi says get ice cream added to my milkshake then. Harsh orders ice cream for him. Rishi says aaju ba has arranged a grand party. Come to the poolside. Harsh says I have a condition. You must tell me what you aai ikes. What should I gift her? Rishi says but she’s you,r friend. Harsh says I knew it in college. Now you tell me. Rishi gives him an idea.
Scene 2
Chandrani comes to Shubhra’s room and does her arti. She sings her a birthday song. Shubhra touches her feet, she says always stay married. Chandrani made her halwa. She makes Shubhra eat. Subhra says what happened? Chandrani says in this age happiness gets you tears as well. No sorry, can be enough or how much Kuldeep and I have hurt you. I know you must be hurt seeing my bangles in Samaira’s wrists. Shubhra says don’t say that. Our relationship is pure. It doesn’t depend on bangles. Don’t get sad. Shubhra hugs her. Chandrani says this for me, this for kids, this for Kuldeep.
Chandrani says he must not have forgotten. He must be acting that he forgot. Shubhra makes her eat the bite. She says he remembered. The kids came with Kuldeep with a cake. And baba has arranged a party tonight. She says wow Hitler’s party? I will dance a lot.
Scene 3
Kuldeep chooses a ring for Shubhra. Chandrani says for Shubhra? He says no I was just seeing. Chandrani says you can’t forget me. 12 years old Kuldeep is back. Don’t leave the hand this time. And you did well by wishing Shubhra last night. Kuldeep says who told you? She says Shubhra told me. She was very happy. Don’t back down this time. And when you make Shubhra wear the ring tonight, your dad would be very happy.
Scene 4
Samaira does work out. She says you lied to Shubhra, you lied to me. She can forgive you but I am Sam. I can lie a thousand times but I won’t tolerate it a single time. Phirki says I am tired. You are so angry.. like fire. Should I give you breaking news? There’s a party being organized for Shubhra. The decor is so good. No one told you. Kuldeep isn’t telling you a lot of things. Samaira says there will be a huge drama this time. The world will burn down tonight.
Kuldeep comes to the room. Samaira says where were you? It’s 7:55. The party is at 8. Kuldeep hides the rings. Samaira says I have been waiting for you. We have to go to the party It’s Shubhra’s birthday. Your clothes are ready. Kuldeep says will you go with me? Samaira says why can’t I go? I will be an outside? Or you don’t want to take me. Shubhra invited me herself. Kuldeep is shocked. Samaira says I was shocked when she came to invite me. She isn’t mad at us, she has moved on. Then I realized she has moved on. We should also move on. Get ready, don’t worry about the gift, I got her something special from both of us. For your ex, with love. Kuldeep says don’t do any drama here. Samaira says so I do drama? Okay, you go.
If Shubhra asks why didn’t I come, tell her I do drama that’s why I didn’t come. She extended her hand to do friendship, why would I do drama? Let’s get ready and go. Kuldeep gets ready.Samaira finds the ring in his hung clothes. She is shocked. Samaira says one went to the toilet, this will also go to the toilet. Till then I should keep quiet. The blast is most effective when it’s done once.Rishi welcomes Harsh to the party. He says happy birthday to Shubhra and gives her flowers. Roli says you only got her flowers? He says I have the best gift. Your mom used to be the best dancer in college, so perfect gift for her music. Harsh sings pyar dewana hota hai. Everyone dances and enjoys.
Harsh brings Narain and Shubhra to the floor. Shubhra dances with Narain. Harsh sings. Everyone claps. He sings ajeeb dastaan hai yeh. Narain and Shubhra dance. Madhura dances with Roli and Chandrani with Rishi.Samaira and Kuldeep come there. Everyone is shocked. She dances with Kuldeep. The kids take Kuldeep to Shubhra. Kuldeep dances with her. Harsh sings. Samaira claps and says you sing very well. What a romantic voice, Shubhra is so lucky. Kuldeep says happy birthday to Shubhra. She says thank you. Samaira says happy birthday Shubhra. Kids and Harsh sing for Shubhra. The cake is served. Shubhra cuts the cake. Roli says make a wish. Shubhra makes a wish.
Chandrani says in heart I hope there is Kuldeep in your wish. Madhura says in heart forget the past and wish for Harsh. Shubhra is about to cut the cake. Samaira says one minute, before cutting the cake Kuldeep and I want to give a surprise gift to SHubhra. She gives her a gift and says it’s the biggest surprise for you. M<ake a wish it might come true today. Shubhra opens it by tearing the paper. She opens the file and sees the divorce papers. Everyone is shocked. Kuldeep is shocked. Shubhra looks at the papers calmly. Samaira says this pen is also a gift. Sign it and accept your freedom. Move on in life with Harsh. You want this, so do I, Kuldeep and romantic Harsh.
Chandrani says when you came here I knew you would do this. What do you get out of ruining other people’s moments. And why are you silent Kuldeep? She takes them from Shubhra and says to tear them. Shubhra says wait a minute Biji. There’s a moment in life when you have to make decisions for your life alone. He wants the same and I want the same. I don’t want to about my wish but I will fulfill the wish of both of you on my birthday. Kuldeep says Rishi Roli goes inside. Shubhra let the kids stay here. I don’t want to hide anything from them. Thank you Samaira.
This is the most important gift of my life, you did something good finally. The relationship was because of the kids till today and for them, I am parting myself from this relationship. I Shubhra Chadha, maiden name Shubhra Gokle in my complete senses, very happily, liberate my husband from the burden of 12 years of marriage. Kuldeep is shocked. Shubhra says so my kids don’t grow up considering wrong right. What if Rishi thinks it’s completely okay to have an extramarital affair in married life. My daughter might think if a husband treats his wife like a doormat, comes home after having fun outside and the wife should tolerate it. And serve the dinner. This is a new lesson of the new day. So kids, I, your mom, do it in front of you. If you can’t take the burden of a relationship, break it. Thank you Samaira.
I really want to move on. And I really want you to move on as well Kuldeep. Shubhra signs the papers. Everyone is shocked.Samaira takes the papers. She is very happy to see the signatures. Kuldeep takes the papers and tears them apart. Samaira says what the hell, what are you doing.. She picks the pieces of the papers. Rishi leaves. Phirki stops Samaira. She’s angry. She says did please stop. It’s trash now. Harsh says Roli, come let’s play magic carpet papers. She says but? He says we will cut it after the game. She goes with him. Samaira loses her mind. She breaks things in anger and throws the cake on the floor. Shubhra stand there silent.
Next: broken bond Thursday update