Broken bond 27 March 2023: Harsh says love doesn’t break hearts, people do. Love doesn’t have an expiry date, don’t blame people’s mistakes on love. If one flower falls it doesn’t break the plant. Love yourself. Accept your strengths and be proud of yourself. No one can handle a situation like this so gracefully like you are. You should be proud of yourself. Time heals all the wounds. Shubhra says thank you. Harsh says we can do the journey to our rooms together.
Kuldeep comes and says I want to talk. Shubhra says please.. You will do another drama, Samaira will see and do another drama. I am done with all this. Kuldeep holds her saree and says stop, please. Harsh removes it from Kuldeep’s hand and says when a woman says no accept it as no. Shubhra leaves.Kuldeep says why are you being the third person between us? He says I am not the third person, the one you brought it.
Scene 2
Narain says now tell me who is more drama? Kuldeep or Samaira? Or Chandrani. She gave her bangles to Samaira. Madhura says I will speak to her. Narain says we don’t need to. Shubhra will get rid of this wedding, it should be over. She needs to get over this burden and move forward. Samaira says today is the mahurat of Shubhra moving forward. They are shocked. Samaira says you said such a good thing. Sorry for listening in but you were saying such great things. Your daughter’s marriage is over. Some truths are bitter but medicine is weird. Shubhra’s wedding is over. Narain says what new are you here to tell us? Madhura says she broke our daughter’s marriage. Why would we listen to her. She leaves.
Samaira holds her hand and says you are Shubhra’s aai right? Only a mother can understand me because she can never see her daughter upset. Your daughter is wise and well-mannered.Narain says what new drama is this? Samaira says I don’t pretend to be anything. Narain says hurry up. She says your daughter knows Kuldeep is mine. Her marriage is over then why doesn’t she let it go? Why does she want to keep Kuldeep’s touch in the name of kids? Narain says we didn’t stop Kuldeep. His mom did. Samaira says there’s one way Kuldeep will never come back to your life. He says what? She says aai will have to cooperate. Only she can do that. Shubhra will never say to you.
There’s only one solution to end Shubhra’s misery. Narain says that’s to get rid of Kuldeep’s name. Samaira says exactly, you speak too well. But your daughter is stuck in old age that together for lives. Women give divorce in a few seconds these days. Narain says what do you want to say? Samaira takes out divorce papers and gives them to Madhura. She says get Shubhra’s signature on it. Samaira says you want Shubhra to get rid of Kuldeep asap and I want to make him mine asap. This divorce paper will solve all our problems. What say? She leaves the papers there.
Scene 3
Samaira goes swimming. Phirki falls in the pool. Samaira says what are you doing? She says I have breaking news. Kuldeep is living in Shubhra’s room these days. Samaira slaps her. Phirki says you can slap me but that’s the truth. Roli told me and his luggage is there as well. Samaira says come with me.Samaira comes to the room and says pick all of Kuldeep’s stuff and pack. Roli says Samaira aunty give me a hug. She says pack all his things and I will pick princess Roli myself. She picks Roli. Samaira says don’t leave anything. Samaira says his napkin is also his. Get his laptop as well. Rishi comes there. He says what are you doing? Samaira says to get everything Kuldeep owns. Even if it’s empty. Rishi says what are you doing? Why are you throwing aai’s clothes on the floor.
If anything happens to aai’s things I will break your gift. What are you people doing? Samaira gives her clothes. Rishi says Roli where are you going? Samaira leaves with Roli and Phirki. Rishi is shocked.Rishi comes crying to Shubhra. He tells her Samaira came to the room and took all the stuff. She threw your things on the floor and took papa’s things. She took Roli as well. Shubhra says go to your room, I will handle it.
Scene 4
Samaira is playing with Roli in her room. Shubhra comes there. She turns off the music. Shubhra picks Roli. Samaira says how dare you.. She wants to stay with me. You can’t force. Shubhra shoves her hand ad says when this hand got to Kuldeep I didn’t say anything but if it gets to my kids I will break it. Your relationship is with Kuldeep, stay there. Don’t you dare to touch my kids. Roli says I don’t wanna go, mama. Kuldeep comes in. Samaira says she has gone crazy. Roli wants to stay with me but she’s forcefully taking her. Roli says mama I don’t wanna go.
Samaira says why are you silent? Stop her. Kuldeep says I can stop you not her. She’s Roli’s mother and no one can take her place. Don’t try to do the mistake of taking the right of being my kids’ mother from Shubhra. Only she knows what’s right and wrong for my kids. Kuldeep says come here Roli. Roli says but I don’t want to go. Kuldeep says you will have to. He takes Roli to Shubhra’s room himself. Samaira is shocked and angry.
Samaira breaks things in anger. Phirki says we can’t do this here, they will kick us out. Please calm down. Take out your anger on the pillow. Kuldeep is getting close to Shubhra, I don’t think he will marry you again. He is taking Shubhra’s side. You are too innocent. It deserves punishment. Samaira says bad habits drown you. Kuldeep will lose everything if he goes away from me. We have to see if Shubhra is playing the game with Shubhra or Kuldeep is playing with me.
Scene 5
Roli is upset. Shubhra tries to cheer her up. Kuldeep says let’s play games. He says Shubhra bring the laptop. Roli says no. Kuldeep says I will sing then. Let me sing a lullaby. She says your lullaby would make my sleep go away. Kuldeep says then whose lullaby will make you sleep? Shubhra sings a lullaby. Kuldeep picks Roli. Roli falls asleep. He makes her sleep in Shubhra’s bed. Kuldeep kisses Roli and leaves. He comes in front of Shubhra.
Kuldeep leaves. He says I am sorry to Shubhra. Kuldeep says Samaira coming here was unexpected. I will make sure she stays away from you. Whatever our relationship is like, Rishi and Roli will stay with you. Neither I nor Sam can take them away from you. No one can be better than you for them.
Scene 2
Everyone is at the breakfast table. Samaira comes there with Kuldeep. She says did you see? Should I be shocked or surprised? There’s a good-looking guy with Shubhra? She found the replacement so fast. Kuldeep says what’s wrong with you? She says it’s with your ex-wife. She is in love, look how happy she looks with him. Kuldeep says should we change the table, I want to have breakfast in peace. Samaira says tables have been changed.
Why did you hide this from me? Kuldeep says he’s Rishi’s doctor. Samaira says in a resort? Is he treating Rishi or Shubhra? Kuldeep leaves.Samaira comes to Harsh and says hi? Harsh right? Kuldeep told me about you. I am Samaira. He says you’re his friend right? please come join us. She says if I join no one would eat here. Btw congrats. He says for what? She says welcome to Kuldeep’s ex-family. I am sure they would stop running after Kuldeep now. Samaira says don’t stare at me Shubhra? If I do it’s a sin, if you do it it’s a pious thing? You should have signed the divorce papers at least. Not bad but not better than Mr. Chadha. The hearts are exchanged, the family gave approval too.
When is the ring ceremony? Have the kids accepted him? Or are you still using the kids to.. Shubhra says you came uninvited so you better go. Samaira says Biji, your cultured DIL got a new papa for the kids. Congrats. She gives her a drink. Harsh tales it and says why congratulate her? Congratulate me? Cheers. Thank you for entertaining us and congratulating us. But now this entertaining is getting overdone and irritating and I don’t want to spoil my family breakfast because of an outsider so, please.. Samaira leaves. Harsh ays you might not have liked but people like her should be answered. Who is she to dare to question you? This is your life and no one has a right over it. Narain says well-done. What you did was right.
Samaira comes to Kuldeep and pulls him. He says what are you doing? Have you decided you don’t want to see anyone happy? What drama did you do at the table? Can you let people live? Samaira says I love you. Can we sit and talk? He says why? She says so we can have breakfast. Wanna hear a story? The title is one mama and two papas. Kuldeep shouts Sam. She says keep your anger controlled. You told me there can’t be a better mother than Shubhra for your kids? Then where did this second papa come the story from? He says I pity your thinking.
She says it’s the truth but you hide your face like an Ostrich. Rishi is just an excuse. Harsh told me he wants to have breakfast with his family in peace so I should get out. He underlined family. If he’s a doctor why is he having breakfast with Shubhra? The doctors don’t have time for their own family. He’s spending time with your family. 24/7. But thank God I got the divorce papers ready. One papa out and one in.
Scene 3
Roli asks Phirki what has Samaira sent for me? She says pizza and fries. She makes Roli it. Shubhra is coming to the room with Harsh. She says Roli must be hungry. She loves parathas. Shubhra is shocked to see Phirki feeding her. Shubhra says you allowed you to bring breakfast to my room? Get out of here. Phirki says I only get my didi’s order. And my didi ordered me to feed Roli. Shubhra says your didi’s orders work outside this room. Get out. Feed this to your didi. Never dare to enter this room again, get out. Harsh says the door is there. Roli says mama why did you do this? It was such a good breakfast. Samaira aunty sent it. I am upset with you now. I don’t wanna eat. Shubhra says okay don’t eat. In anger, it doesn’t take good either.
I should make Harsh eat. The parathas are so tasty. Harsh says yes I am very hungry. Give it to me. Roli takes it and eats it. She gets happy.Samaira throws things in anger. Kuldeep says what’s wrong now? Samaira says are you kids nothing to me now? I mean nothing? I can’t send Roli even breakfast? Phirki said Kuldeep sent it but Harsh asked her to get out. Do you understand the story? Why is Harsh standing with Shubhra? Do you get all this? Shubhra was making Harsh and Roli eat. One mama and second papa now. You will be kicked out of kids’ hearts. Kuldeep leaves.
Scene 4
Narain says I want to clap and appreciate him loudly. What a man. Madhura says who? You see something wrong with everyone? Then who’s this Mr. perfect? He says Harsh. He broke Samaira’s face. Harsh stood in front of Shubhra like a mountain. Kuldeep hears all this. He said all that to silence her but what if it becomes true? Kuldeep is shocked. What if he actually becomes a part of our family? She says don’t say this in front of Shubhra. She will get very upset. She will go away from Harsh and Rishi’s treatment will discontinue. She’s not in a state of starting a new relationship at the moment. He says you are her mom. Talk to her. Why is she stuck in this useless marriage? What’s her age? She will be alone once kids grow up.
Shubhra collides with Harsh. She says it’s okay I will pick. He says 50-50. I can do that. Shubhra says you’re already doing a lot. For Rishi’s happiness, we started this story that we are friends but since Samaira came with her filth I feel like you have to pay a big price to be in our lives. I am really sorry. It’s my job to treat ill minds. I can see that Samaira’s mind is ill. She needs treatment. She can’t hurt me. She says but I get tired of all this. I want to give my kids a good life but this filth comes in front of them every time. You’re a doctor, I am normal. I get hurt. Harsh says I will treat your hurt. Rishi comes and says Harsh you didn’t do right. Harsh says what? Rishi says why did you do this? Shubhra says what is he doing? Rishi says he’s checking out. I just saw. The staff was taking his bags out.
How can you leave me alone here? Harsh says I was about to tell you. My conference is over so I have to go. Rishi hugs Harsh and says I won’t let you go. Shubhra says he might have work. Rishi says I won’t let you go. I will hide your bags. Kuldeep comes there. Harsh says you can always video call me. We can play online games. Rishi says I won’t let you go. I will hide your bags. He holds Harsh’s legs. Shubhra says what are you doing? Rishi says please ask him, he’s your friend too. Shubhra says how can we ask him to stay? He has work to do. Rishi says please ask him once. Please. Shubhra says if you can manage your work, please stay. Kuldeep recalls what Samaira and Narain said.
Next: Broken bond Tuesday update