A lockdown love story update Saturday 5 March 2022

A lockdown love story update Saturday 5 March 2022


A lockdown love story 5 March 2022: episode starts with Sonam coming home to stay. Some time back. Sonam sees Dhruv sleeping and smiles. She recalls their moments. Hamari adhuri kahani….plays… She cries recalling how he ousted her. She covers him with the quilt. She goes away and shuts the room door. Milky waits for him. She gets Dhruv and Sonam’s pictures. She gets angry. Its morning, Sonam signs Hulchul to take tea for Dhruv. Hulchul sees Dhruv gone and signs her. Dhruv comes home. He sees Sonam and his pics all over the room. He recalls their moments. Milky comes to him and smiles. She touches his feet. He gets away. He asks what’s this drama. She says it was our first night yesterday, today is the first morning of our lives, bless me.

He says I thought you will realize that I don’t care for this relation, you are making me Devta, this won’t work, what’s this decoration with pics. She says yes, you stayed away because of Sonam, so I got her pics to make you feel good, I know you are just acting to be upset on her.Dhruv asks acting, you think I m just acting. He throws the pics and says I hate Sonam. He scolds Milky. She smiles. She says its good you had torn it, if I did this, you would have slapped me, I will wait to see our pic framed. He says its impossible, I don’t have a big heart, you and Sonam ruined my life, go away. Everyone comes out to see the police at the door. Inspector reads the names from the list. Sheetal asks did I get a lottery. Inspector says we doubt you all have corona. Sheetal says we didn’t go out. Dhruv asks how did this happen. Inspector says Sonam is Corona positive, her reports have come, we had done call tracing, she said she was staying here, you all will be home quarantined. Shashi asks where is she, is she fine.

Inspector says Sonam has asymptotic corona, you three, Nutan, Sheetal and Milky were in close contact with her, Nutan tried to slap Sonam, Milky had blackened her face, Sheetal stays close to you two. Nutan says she is very clever, she is just defaming us by using Corona, she is not telling what she did.Shashi asks him to keep the three women in isolation. Inspector asks them to stay at home in different rooms, Sonam and you all will stay at the same place for 14 days. Dhruv asks will Sonam stay here. Inspector says yes, she will stay here until her reports come negative, keep her in separate room, she will be free after 14 days. Dhruv says you are putting covid positive patient here, send her to any covid hospital and isolate her, she won’t come here. Sonam says sorry, I have come. She gets her bags. She says I have come to stay here in isolation. Dhruv asks what’s this nonsense, keep her in hospital.

Inspector says hospital has no free beds, Sonam said you all were in close contact, why to keep her anywhere else, everyone knows about her, leave it, come and give the sample. Sheetal cries. Nutan scolds Sonam. Subhadra hears everyone on the call. Sonam says I don’t want anything from you all, I just want to stay here in isolation.Dhruv acting close to Milky to show Sonam. Some time back, Milky says I want to stay here for 14 days, I don’t want anything else. Subhadra hears this on call. Nutan and others give the samples. Inspector and the lab men leave. Sonam asks why are you all surrounding me, you shouldn’t be here without a mask, where is my room. Dhruv gets angry. Dheeraj stops him. Dhruv says I will send her out. Dheeraj says no one will go to Sonam, don’t risk her. Dhruv says she is clever to make excuse if illness. Dheeraj says just stop it. Milky argues with Sonam. Sonam asks Dhruv to tell Milky not to talk between them. Dhruv asks why, you made her sit in your place, she has a right. He asks Milky to come. He holds her hand with love to make Sonam jealous. Nutan and Sheetal get shocked. Milky smiles.Dhruv says I thank you from my open heart for giving me Milky, my childhood friend, I m glad we got married, I m very happy, you had come to see me in upset state, sorry, I thank you for saving me from making a big mistake in life. Milky requests Sonam to leave from their lives. Sonam says be happy, but you will get punished for your deeds, its called Karma. Milky asks what, will you punish me. She wears a mask and goes to Sonam.


Shashi stops Milky. Milky asks how can Sonam insult me, Dhruv kicked her out one day and today I will kick her out. Shashi shouts and says don’t dare…. if you touch Sonam. Nutan says don’t dare to stop Milky. Milky and Dhruv ask Sonam to leave from their house. Pratap says you are responsible to put my daughter in this difficulty, everyone is against her. Subhadra says stay strong, I m always with you Sonam. Milky asks will you go or not. Sonam says no. Milky says fine, Shashi stopped me from touching you. She gets a stick. She pushes Sonam out. Dhruv asks are you mad. Shashi throws the stick. Hulchul and Bablu come. Bablu asks why are you doing this Milky, police said Sonam will stay here for 14 days. Hulchul says its simple, keep her here for 14 days. Dhruv says you said you will get her killed, now you are asking me to give her a place in the house. Pratap and Subhadra get shocked. He says they will kill Sonam. Shashi slaps Dhruv.


He says I m ashamed to see you, you were not tired to show love for that girl, you are talking of getting her killed, I feel my son trapped that girl in love and played with her, then you left her.Dhruv asks what would I do, this didn’t happen with anyone, you have pity with her, if you keep her, we all will burn. Shashi says recall your time, when you came here, you just said one thing, you can’t live without Sonam, you left her to die today, you don’t care for her, its bad to have so much hatred, everyone listen to me now, Sonam will stay here for 14 days, I will see the humanity in you. Nutan argues. Shashi shouts shut up, not a word anymore now.He says just tell me where will Sonam stay. Nutan says I don’t know. Shashi asks Sonam to come. Pratap says you would be so happy now, don’t know how is Sonam there. Sonam cleans the space for herself. Ankita comes to help. She goes to Dhruv and says there is much heat there, do one thing, just get a room for her by talking to Nutan or give her a table fan, she has stayed in AC, she will die like this.He asks her to give hand fan to her, more air will increase corona. He goes to see Sonam and gives the hand fan. He says you won’t get this easily.

Next: a lockdown love story Sunday Update



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