It’s not easy to love update Tuesday 14 February 2023

It’s not easy to love 14 February 2023: Mithai comes to the mandir and finds Sid sitting there alone. She talks to the Lord and reads the news about people fighting over property. Sid says stop provoking me. he breaks a glass and hurts his foot. He tries to leave but Mithai stops him. She cleans his wound and says money is a root cause of everything, what if you remove that from the equation? what if the owner doesn’t give any share? Sid gets an idea. Mithai says but you don’t have time as you want to go to Singapore. Sid leaves from there. Mithai prays for Sid to do the right thing.

Sid comes to the family. Girish shouts at him to decide on the division of the shares. Abhishek says I want my share too, I know you will be fair. Sid says you all want money right? He tears the will and throws it in the air while all look on. Mithai smiles. Girish says what is all this? Sid says you have made fun of this family. If money is a problem then I have decided to not give any shares, I will not sell anything. Girish says you never took interest in the business but now you want everything in your hand? Sid says yes, everything is in my name so I will decide about the business and everything from now on. He asks Girish to give the shop keys to him. Girish glares at him and gives up the keys.

Girish says this girl won’t go to the shop. Sid says I will decide that now. He leaves from there. Dadu whispers to Mithai that Sid has silenced them today. He won my heart today. Mithai says I told you to just wait and watch.

Scene 2
Sid comes to his room and looks at Aarti’s photo. He says why did you leave me alone? I won’t let them get any money easily, I will do as you want.Sid is working out and recalls his childhood, how Girish used to insult Aarti and how she died. He recalls the family issues and Mithai entering their lives. He recalls Girish’s hatred and his greed for property. Mithai comes there and mistakenly drops something. Sid shouts at her to leave his room. Mithai says I am sorry, she mistakenly drops a water bottle on him. Sid drags her out of his room and says I don’t want to talk to you, you are bad luck. Mithai says you are bad luck with your attitude like this. Sid closes the door on her face.

In the morning, Dadu asks Mithai why does she look angry? Mithai says I tried to talk to Sid but he didn’t hear me out. I made jalebis in anger. Dadu says you have cooked a lot. Mithai says I will try to sell it. Sid doesn’t want to talk to me so how will I know what he is thinking? Dadu says I don’t know what Sid will decide about my shop. Mithai says I won’t let anything happen to your shop. Dadu says that shop was my dream. Mithai says I just have to think about how to convince Sid to let you open the shop again. Mithai’s friend Poorva comes there. Mithai says she lost her job as a worker in a sweet shop so I called her to help me as my hand is broken. Dadu says I respect you more day by day. Poorva says I will work hard with Mithai. Mithai loads her cycle with sweets.

Sid comes to meet Aditya and Agarwal. He says I have a business proposal. Agarwal asks what kind? Sid says Hari Mohan sweets business. Agarwal is shocked.Sid comes to meet Agarwal and says I want to talk about my family business. Agarwal says but you were never interested in it and I have heard that your father is asking for a share. Sid says just talk business with me, I own the complete business shares. Agarwal says really? Girish takes of the business? Sid says Dadu had put the business in my name. Adi says we wouldn’t know that. Sid says you kept trying to become a no. 1 business but we never let it happen so I am ready to sell Hari Mohan sweets to you.

Agarwal says you are joking right? Sid says I am not, I want to sell all the shops of Hari Mohan sweets as the owner. Tell me if you are interested otherwise, I will talk to another buyer. Agarwal says what will be your rate? Sid says I would want 21 crores to sell it. Agarwal says I can offer 15 crores. Sid says I am not interested then. Agarwal says how do I believe that you own the business? Sid says you can ask your lawyer to check my papers. Agarwal says deal. Sid leaves from there. Agarwal says I am not buying this. Adi says we will find out if this is a trap or not.

Mithai comes to the market. She is selling sweets on her cycle. One buyer says my family likes your sweets so can you come to my house and sell there? Mithai says I will come there. He gives her some money and his address. Mithai sells her sweets to other people. She goes to the address and sells all her sweets.Pramod gets a call and says what? Are you sure? He ends the call and shouts for the family to come. He tells everyone that Sid went to meet Agarwal, and he proposed for them to buy our business. Girish says he wants to sell this business which we worked hard on. Abhishek says he is dealing with our enemies. Girish says I won’t let him do it.

Abha says you can’t do anything, he is Sid and not Shubham who you can manipulate. Shubham is hurt and says I was an orphan and will remain so. Sid arrives there so Girish confronts him and asks what did he do? Are you going to sell our honor, our hard work, our business to our enemy? Sid says whose hard work? I am the owner so I will decide what to do. Abhishek says you should take your family’s advice at least. Sid says you people are fighting like kids so I can’t take your advice. Dadu says what’s going on? Sid says just calm down. Mithai comes there. Sid says it’s good that you are here too. You all are eyeing the business for your own gains.

He tells Dadu says that these people have forgotten that you created this business from zero, they just want a piece of it. He says this business is the main problem so I will sell it to Agarwal and I will give all the money to Dadu. I will keep power of attorney in my name so nobody would be able to take a single penny without my permission. Abha says just make us beggars. Sid says you people can start a new business on your own. Girish says you think we didn’t work hard for this business? Sid says Dadu started this business from scratch so I will give everything back to him. Abhishek says we gave up our lives for this business but we won’t get anything. Sid says you all are hard-working so start thinking about your lives. Karishma will be married grandly and Shaurya’s education will continue but you all have to think about starting your own businesses. He leaves. Dadi tells Dadu that Sid is breaking this family more. Mithai looks on.

Mithai tells Indu that this business is Dadu’s dream, how can he break his dream?Abha and Abhishek are angry with Sid. Abha says he never cared about relationships, he will sell everything and go away.Dadu comes to Sid and asks what is he doing? you know what this business means to me. He shows his first earnings and his photos in the shop. He says you are going to sell my honor, my dream and my passion? Sid says I know you are feeling hurt but this family has forgotten values, they just care about shares so we should sell it. If you have to choose between business and family then what would you choose? They all care about shares only and I can’t allow them to drag you to the court, he leaves from there.

Mithai comes there and tells Dadu that he doesn’t understand your pain. I will make him see it, just trust me.Mithai comes to Agarwal and Adi’s office. Adi says you here? you declined our proposal before. Mithai says I did a mistake, I was with Dadu as a loyalist but I can’t be with them anymore as I got to know Sid wants to sell the business to you. I came here after hearing that to warn you. Adi says why? what warning? Mithai says do the deal in front of the whole family.

Next: it’s not easy to love Wednesday update 


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