Broken bonds 14 May 2023: Shubhra asks how are you? He says we are husband and wife and we have to meet like this? She says it will be okay. Kuldeep says biji told me Phirki has changed a lot. She is living like Sam there. Samaira is scared Phirki know something. She even gave the watch I gave to her to Phirki.
Shubhra says we have to use her as a pawn. I should show this watch too aai but she gets emtional. Kuldeep says if she can recall this watch, we might find papa’s murderer. Shubhra says I will try how can I do that.
Samaira says to Kuldeep I want your mom out of my house. I have to sell that house. Kuldeep did you finalize the deal? Where is the buyer? Tell me when to go to sign the papers. After that biji can leave. Samaira says go right now. Kuldeep says why
are you so hyper?
Is there a secret in that house? Samaira says shut up. She says in heart she must have planned something.Shubhra cleans manners. Madhura says what is all these papers? She says all of Kuldeep’s hardwork to get papa’s case started. He kept goinh to the station to start the case. Rest of the fight is ours. Madhura says you talk just like your dad.
Shubhra says aai these papers have a few questions and only you can answer them. Try to recall what happened. We were so excited. You went home. What happened in between? Madhura cries?Madhura recalls her maid called another maid. Madhura cries and says I don’t know where to start from.
shubhra says when you went home there was another maid. Madhura says he was very happy. He shopped for himself. Shubhra says was there something wrong? Madhura says everything was fine. Shubhra says anything that was weird? Madhura cries. Shubhra says we have to win this war. You have to recall. Those maids?
When papa was doing dance practice? When you said good night to him? what happened after that? She says I saw your papa smiling for the last time. Madhura cries. Shubhra says please aai. Drink water. Madhura says he was a kid. Shubhra says the new maid gave medicine and then what? Madhura says that’s it.
She was wearing an expensive watch but I thought it must be duplicate. Shubhra says can you recognize that watch? Madhura says I can try. Shubhra shows her Phirki’s photo. MAdhura says it was this one. How do you have it? Shubhra says we will find the answers.
Shubhra calls Kuldeep. He asks did the candidate interview go well? Shubhra says yes we can get Samaira arrested in dad’s murder. Kuldeep leaves.Kuldeep and Shubhra come to the inspector.
He says this watch doesn’t prove anything. Shubhra says the maid was wearing this. He says you’re accusing her because she married your husband. You are all after Samaira madam. Kuldeep says please you can’t question Shubhra and her mom.
The inspector says you can play this detective game. I can’t play it with you without any proof. They leave. Shubhra says do you think this idea would work? Kuldeep says it has to. They leave.
Chandrnai says on call got it. Now you see what I do to this Phirki comes. Chandrani says why are you so scared? How to make reel? Can you teach me? She says yes. She shows Chandrani how to make videos. Chandrani says this reel will go online. they will all go crazy after to you.
You will get married. Phirki says I also see dreams to find a Sunny Deol like husband. Chandrani says who is stopping you? She says I am always after Sam didi has Phirki? Chandrani says don’t keep running after her. Find a good guy and get married to him. Otherwise you will also keep looking for married men like Samaira.
Phirki says I know God will send a king for me. Bell rings. Chandrani says looks like he has sent one. A man comes in.Phirki opens the door.. A man says Samaira ji.. You are so pretty. You brighten up the day.. I need to take a photo. He takes her photos.
He says can I call you Sam? Phirki says yes. He says you said you will sell your house? Are you coming with the house too? I am confused whether I should see the house or you. He says are you Sam ji?
You put the ad right? She says yes. It’s Kuldeep. He says my name is Harprett. You can you call me Preet with love. Phirki asks who is in your family? He says my wife broke my heart. She ran away with another man. Phirki says what kind of woman is she. Kuldeep looks around for proofs. Phirki says she didn’t deserve your love.
Chandrani says to Phirki he’s rich and good looking. Give it a try. Phirki says won’t you feel alone in such a big house? Kuldeep says you can fix my loneliness. Phirki says it’s Mumbai’s luck that you came here. He says this city is beautiful.
Long drives in this city are so romantic. Phirki is shy. Kuldeep pretends to fall.Kuldeep says will you marry me? Chandrani says wow what a pretty couple. She steals the laptop while phirki is distanted. Kuldeep says this diamond looks so good on you. take this dirty watch off. Wear th is new one.
He takes the watch from her hand. Kuldeep says before coming closer we should know each other. Phirki is shy. He says let’s talk about your heart? My heart says your name isn’t Samaira.. It’s Phirki. He takes off his turban and beard. Phirki is shocked. Chandrani steals her phone.
Phirki says return my phone. Chandrani says I won’t. Phirki says this isn’t right. If did finds out.. Kuldeep says she can’t hear you now. samaira doesn’t have a big heart that she would give you this watch.. Tell me what are you hiding? You will only be forgiven if you tell the truth.
Shubhra says there’s not one picture of Samaira and Phirki. Roli and Rishi come. They sit on the papers. Shubhra says I am working. Can’t you see? The kids say sorry mama. Shubhra hugs them. She says I am so worried. I am looking for Samaira and Phirki’s photos.
The kid finds their photos on internet. Shubhra says thank you. Madhura says whose voice is this? It’s the same maid’s voice. She tells about the maid. Shubhra is shocked. Shubhra says this is Samaira’s maid Phirki’s voice.
Kuldeep says all gates are closed. You can’t go out. She will find you and this old woman. chandrani slaps her and says am I old? Phirkki says hit me but I won’t say anything. this isn’t right. Chandrani slaps her and says what you and Samaira did was right? You entered Shubhra’s dad’s house and killed him..
Phirki says what? Murder? What are you saying? Chandrani says you murdered because Samaira asked you. Phirki says she considers you like a mom. She did so much for you and you’re accusing her of murder? She can’t do this. Kuldeep says I know what she can do. I will give your name to the police.
Baba’s case is registered. They are looking for the two fake maids. You went there as a fake maid right? Madhura recognized your voice. Kuldeep says call Samaira and ask her who would her lawyer save? You or Samaira? HE will save Samaira. Chandrani says how can she afford such a big lawyer. Samaira is going to Dubai. She will leave this Phirki here alone. Kuldeep says she will give her all her sins and Phirki will be in jail forever. Phirki says my didi can’t do that.
Chandrani says come to Pune and see if your didi will give you to police or not. Let me call the police here. Phirki says please don’t do this. Please make me meet samaira. Kuldeep says go and pack your bags. I want to see Samaira shocked when she sees you with us.
Shubhra calls Chandrani. She says to Madhura Kuldeep found the watch. They are bringing Phirki here. Police has to move ahead with this case. What Kuldeep has done for us only a son can, not a DIL. He has made mistakes but he doesn’t have a bad heart. He only wants blessings from you. This case has the most important thing is your statement. You recognizing Phirki. THe police will ask you everything. You will have to be strong. Madhura says I can do that for your dad. Shubhra says baba will be at peace with this win. And Samaira’s game will be over.