Snippet on upcoming series!
Kamal gently peeled out the hands of his sleeping night companion from his form. They were two blonde call girls he had picked up at the club yester night and they had kept him busy all through the night with their insatiable sexual drive. What were these girls on? He wondered as he pulled the drape over the stark naked blond sleeping by his left and hopped down.
They had tired him out, true, but not without his consent. At the gloomy state he was yesterday, he really needed their companionship but now that it was morning, he felt even worse than before. The continuous pang of pain in his head and the emptiness deep in his heart were his true companions. Kamal knew his life was a mess; he knew that no amount of time spent in the best clubs UAE had to offer; or the big sized bottle of expensive booze he consumed or the amount of young and beautiful female that graced his bed would make up for what he truly wanted:
True happiness.