A lockdown love story update Thursday 3 march 2022

A lockdown love story update Thursday 3 march 2022


A lockdown love story 3 march 2022: everyone seeing Sonam and getting shocked. Some time before, Pratap asks Sonam to come. Subhadra says I have just said what I felt, you have to decide, if you could clear your name, you will get peace, else this regret will follow you always. Dhruv comes home. Shashi asks about Sonam’s family. Dhruv gets angry. Shashi says your anger will ruin your life. Sheetal says Dhruv is angry on Sonam, it means he is trying to make her out of the house, once she leaves, then you will make a place in his heart. Its morning, Milky comes to wake up Dhruv. She gets tea. She smiles and wakes him up. He throws the tea away. He scolds her and sends her out. Nutan comes and gets angry on him.

She says Milky is your wife. He says I don’t accept this marriage. She says what will happen if you don’t believe it, see what has happened, Sonam came for marriage and you married Milky, its a miracle, right thing reached the right place, wrong thing left on its own. He looks at her.She says don’t see me with anger, I feel like burning again, don’t blame me again. She cries. He sits in anger. She says if you had put sindoor in Sonam’s sindoor, I would have accepted her as bahu, I value customs and rituals, we can’t take the marriage as joke. He cries. Milky comes back with the tea. Nutan says look at her, have the tea. Milky goes. Nutan says fine, don’t accept her, but ask your heart, what type of wife did you want, Milky or Sonam, Milky will never find you at fault, Sonam was just concerned for her makeup and fashion, she is your childhood friend, she understands you, she is pretty, there is no reason to not accept her, have the tea. He signs no.

She says I m giving it to you. She sees the cigarettes and says don’t know how did you get these bad qualities. She goes.Milky says Dhruv will never forgive me, he won’t accept me as wife. Sheetal says I can understand your feelings, don’t get upset, Sonam won’t come back, Dhruv has to accept you as wife. Milky asks if he doesn’t do. Sheetal says you don’t doubt me, when he accepts you as wife, what will you give me. Milky says ten tola necklace. Sheetal laughs. Nutan calls Milky. She says I will make prayers then you will be wearing all these clothes. She asks Sheetal to come with her. She says we three have made this possible. They smile.Dheeraj says I think Sonam’s family didn’t find any place to stay, their phones are not reachable. Nutan says we are going to temple. Dheeraj says temples are shut in lockdown. Shashi jokes on her. Nutan argues. Sneha says Nutan has accepted Milky, she wants to do puja and show the entire neighborhood. Dhruv gets angry. Sheetal says I think puja items have come. Sonam delivers the items. Sheetal sees her and faints. Nutan and Dhruv ask what happened. Subhadra and Pratap argue. Subhadra says Sonam knows what she is doing, she will handle herself here. Amber says she will manage, we should go Mumbai. Sheetal gets up and asks Nutan to see Sonam. Nutan removes the mask and sees Sonam. They all get shocked. Ankita smiles seeing Sonam. Sonam sees Dhruv and cries.

Sonam stopping Nutan. She says I just want the money for my items. The man comes and stops Nutan. He asks what happened, why are you slapping her. Nutan scolds him. The man says forget the difference between guys and girls these days, Lord has sent her to me in lockdown, she gave me idea of business, she said she will deliver items at home, I have given her a shelter, she has no shame in running the stall, though she is educated, I thought of Shashi and asked her to start work from this house. He asks Nutan does she know Sonam. Sonam wears back the kit. Shashi asks her to do her work and prosper. He says I m happy seeing your courage and struggle. Nutan pays the money for items. Sonam leaves. Dhruv gets angry. He calls Batasa and says Sonam had come to deliver good from Agarwal, why does she want to irritate me, she has come to see if I died without her.

He says go and tell her, I don’t care, ask Agarwal why did he hire her. Nutan says Sonam got after us as a ghost, she came between when I was taking Milky for puja, its a bad omen. Shashi taunts her. Milky says no bad omen will happen. She angrily leaves. Shashi says she is of your nature. Sonam sells things. She publicizes Agarwal store. Milky comes there and asks what do you want to prove. Sonam says that you are a cheat, talks of dignity doesn’t suit you. Milky says yes, I cheated you, Dhruv has thrown you out, even then you have come back. Sonam says Dhruv doesn’t know entire truth, I will tell him the truth, he should know your true face. Milky angrily ruins your stall. Sonam asks her to stop it. She slaps Milky. She says you cheat, you like to touch other things, I will break your hand, get away from my stall.


Milky pushes her down and beats her. She says you won’t think of returning to Mumbai, I will give you a big punishment. She blackens Sonam’s face. She says this is just a trailer, forget Dhruv now, he is just my husband. She scolds Sonam. Sonam says I will stay here and sit on your head, you challenged me, I will apply black colour on your face. Milky says I won’t leave you to dream. Sonam says stop snatching others’ husbands. She shouts. Milky leaves. Some people look on. Sonam ties her hair and gets back to work. Police comes. Constable asks who did all this. Sonam says nothing, I will manage on my own.


Sonam washes her face. Constable helps her in keeping things back on the stall. Sonam leaves. Shashi says Sonam will stay somewhere, if you made her out. Dhruv shouts on Milky. Everyone comes to see.Nutan asks where did you go. Milky says I had gone to see Sonam, he felt bad, he made Sonam out. Dhruv says stop all this, I m telling you, don’t get into our private matter. Nutan asks why, Milky is your wife. Batasa calls Dhruv and says you were right, Sonam is here, someone welcomed her well, I m sending the pic, see it. Dhruv gets shocked seeing Sonam’s blackened face. He asks Milky did you do this. Everyone gets shocked seeing the pic.

Milky says yes, I have done this. Sheetal asks what happened, did Sonam say something. Milky says yes, you think I will apply black colour to anyone, I went to ask Sonam why did he come, she said she will ruin your respect, she said she will apply black colour to everyone in this family, I got angry and did this. Shashi says you got us respect by doing this, right. He scolds Sheetal. Sheetal says Sonam has bad intentions, so she has come, Milky did new makeup to her. Nutan says we shall go to temple now. Dhruv goes. Nutan, Sheetal, Milky and Ankita are on the way. Inspector stops them. Nutan says we are taking new bride to the temple. Inspector says bride got changed, don’t know groom and bride will accept each other or not. Nutan asks him not to comment. She asks Milky to just do the puja from there itself. Sonam passes by to sell the things.

Next: a lockdown love story Friday Update



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